

Carl Safina on World Oceans Day 2010


It’s June, and that means World Oceans Day 2010.


Carl Safina: We are blessed with a magnificent and miraculous world ocean on this planet. But we are also stressing it in ways that we are not even close to bringing under control.


That's marine ecologist Carl Safina. He's a MacArthur Prize-winning scientist and author who co-founded the Blue Ocean Institute in 2003 with the goal of protecting Earth’s oceans. There are lots of reasons to protect them – including every breath we take. Worldwide, Safina said, about half of the oxygen we breathe in is from microscopic plankton that live in the ocean.


Carl Safina: The most important thing people need to know about the world’s oceans is that we live by it. Without the oceans, we wouldn’t have enough oxygen to breath. The planet would never be able to sustain life.


Of course, Safina said, the oceans today are stressed. He mentioned pollution – and overfishing. Dr. Safina told EarthSky his thoughts on World Oceans Day.


Carl Safina: I think that we need it more than once a year, because we’re not doing a good enough job at keeping the oceans in mind. And of course we have this terrible situation in the Gulf of Mexico now, which is just taking a lot of attention and a lot of emotion as we watch it unfold.


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