
Although the idea that receiving cash while driving your own car seems crazy, it is an excellent way to earn extra money for your gas tank or an extra income if you need it. Large companies are willing to pay common people like you for putting on your car some advertisements? of their products. Some of these ads are small like a bumper sticker but others can cover the entire car. You receive cash for driving your car around the town as you usually do, simply with the advertisements on your car.


Those private vehicle owners who allow advertising on their cars are called “jia ke zu” in Chinese, meaning putting a shell on one's car in order to get some benefit. In English, we can just call them ads-on-cars drivers.

那些愿意在自己車身上為商家做廣告的車主被稱為“甲客族”,意即“借殼得利”。英文中,就直接叫他們ads-on-cars drivers好了。