September 30th, 1938 - Chamberlain signs peace treaty with Hitler.

British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain made 3 trips to Germany in an effort to avert war with Adolf Hitler. On September 30, 1938, Chamberlain joined French Premier Eduard Deladier and Italy's Premier Benito Mussolini in signing a peace agreement with Hitler. The pact allowed Hitler to annex the Sudetenland, a primarily German-speaking portion of Czechoslovakia. Of course, Czechoslovakia was given no say in the agreement. Both Chamberlain and Deladier returned home to tumultuous welcomes. Chamberlain triumphantly declared that his little piece of paper had brought peace for our time. Soon after, as Hitler glibly took the rest of Czechoslovakia, the Western Allies realized how diluted the effort to appease Hitler was.

