

Bill Stone: Robot sub, alien life, Jupiter’s moon?


Bill Stone: In my opinion, within our lifetimes, microbiological life will be shown to exist either on Mars or on Europa, or some other outer planet’s watery moon.


You’re listening to research engineer Bill Stone of Stone Aerospace. He is developing a self-guided robotic submarine, called ENDURANCE, to look for alien life on Europa, an icy moon of Jupiter. In 2010, the ENDURANCE robot completed six months of tests here on Earth, at a frozen lake in Antarctica called West Lake Bonney.


Bill Stone: The job that we were doing down there was to see if we could build a robot that could explore on its own, build three dimensional maps, navigate back home on those maps.


The ice at West Lake Bonney was just a few meters thick, compared to the ice on Jupiter’s moon Europa which is believed to be at least a thousand times thicker. Astronomers think that there’s liquid water below that ice, and possibly life. But Stone said the West Lake Bonney was a good place to test the robot.


Bill Stone: The analog to Europa was very close, and even more so because the place we were going was completely unexplored. Below that ice cap, no human, no robot had ever been in this place.


The ENDURANCE successfully mapped and explored the water beneath the frozen lake. What’s more, said Stone, it found several strains of previously unknown microscopic organisms.?


