

Why Antarctica Is Being Explored(為什么要勘探南極洲)

14. As to space research, there is no place on earth better suited than the South Pole for certain kinds of observation. Here is a firmly fixed point, in contrast to the drifting floes that cover the North Pole; from it all directions are north, and during the six months of darkness the stars circle around a point directly overhead. The United States established an observatory there in 1957 for the I.G.Y. and has maintained it ever since.


15. Now it is an ideal space tracking station. Any vehicle on a mission in the southern half of the heavens remains continuously "visible" to an antenna at the pole. Such a station is also able to play a unique role in interrogating earth satellites in orbit over both poles.


16. Such satellites—maintaining their steady sweeps as the earth revolves beneath them—cover all parts of the globe and hence are ideal for weather observation, communications and other tasks. The South Pole would be the check point on each circuit, snatching the data from space, processing them in computers within seconds and relaying them to the rest of the world.


17. On all these counts, the scientists justify their voyages to Antarctica and the vast sums needed. But essentially their argument is a simple one. The great continent to the south is still largely unknown. In the quest for fundamental knowledge, which is the heart and soul so all science, it cannot be ignored.


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