
1. 我本打算回家路上去趟雜貨店的,但是忘記了。

【原句】I meant to go to the grocery store on the way home, but it slipped my mind.
【解說】mean to do sth. 打算做某事,有意要做某事;slip one’s mind 忘記,遺忘

2. 瑪麗和安在拼字比賽中難分高下。

【原句】Mary and Ann were neck and neck in the spelling contest.
【解說】Neck and neck這個表達出自于跑馬。在賽馬場上,馬匹憑一個頸位之差取勝,叫做The horse wins by a neck。假如兩匹馬neck and neck,那就是“并駕齊驅(qū)”的意思了。所以這個短語指雙方在競爭中“勢均力敵,不相上下”。

3. 如果我是你的話,我會跟老師談談。

【原句】If I were in your shoes, I'd talk to the teacher.
【解說】be/stand in one's shoes 處于某人的位置,站在某人的立場上(穿上別人的鞋走走看才能知道人家的感受吧~)

4. 我可以做些什么來補救嗎?

【原句】What can I do to make it up to you?
【解說】make it up to... 補償(某人),來看個例子:
A: I forgot to send my sister a birthday card.(我忘記寄生日卡片給妹妹了。)
B: How are you going to make that up to her?(你打算怎么補償她呢?)

5. 汽車沒撞到孩子,但真的是死里逃生。

【原句】The car missed the child, but it was a very close call.
【解說】a close call 千鈞一發(fā),死里逃生(主要用于美國,英國英語比較多地說a close/near thing)

6. 你永遠也不知道人們的想法和感受。

【原句】You can never tell what people are thinking and feeling.
【解說】You can never tell 這個句型表示“誰知道呢,誰也沒把握,誰也說不準”。

7. 別再為損失哭泣了,已經(jīng)沒辦法了。

【原句】Don't cry over your loss any more. It can't be helped.
【解說】cry over 為……而哭泣;It can't be helped. 事情就是這樣,沒辦法了。

