Seal has lashed out at Oprah Winfrey following her inspirational Golden Globes speech, claiming she knew about the rumors surrounding Harvey Weinstein but did nothing.

The talk show queen's widely-applauded speech on Sunday night focused on the plight of sexually abused women and the 'MeToo' movement.

But Seal accused the media maven of being an example of 'sanctimonious Hollywood'.

He took to Instagram Wednesday, sharing a shot of Oprah with the disgraced producer at two events with a meme that read: 'When you have been part of the problem for decades... but suddenly they all think you are the solution.'

The 54-year-old singer took it one step further, captioning the meme that Oprah knew about the sexual misconduct allegations against Weinstein, writing 'You'd heard the rumours but you had no idea he was actually serially assaulting young actresses who in turn had no idea what they were getting into. My bad.'

He hash-tagged the post with '#SanctimoniousHollywood.'

It is unclear if Seal could say with certainty that Oprah was aware of the varied claims against Weinstein.

Oprah's speech at the Globes speech was likened to a campaign speech, which in turn sparked the reports that the former talk show queen is eyeing a potential presidential run in 2020.

The singer caught a good deal of backlash for his post, with many angered by Seal muddling Oprah's speech.

Some questioned if Seal himself knew about the allegations against Weinstein.
