

You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on Reading Passage 1 below.

The wonder plant

Bamboo is used for a wide range of purposes, but now it seems it may be under threat.



Every year, during the rainy season, the mountain gorillas of central Africa migrate to the lower slopes of the Virunga Mountains to graze on bamboo. For the 650 or so that remain in the wild, it's a vital food source. Without it, says Ian Redmond, chairman of the Ape Alliance, their chances of survival would be reduced significantly.

Gorillas aren't the only local keen on bamboo. For the people who live close to the Virungas, it’s a valuable and versatile raw material. But in the past 100 years or so, resources have come under increasing pressure as populations have exploded and large areas of bamboo forest have been cleared to make way for commercial plantations. Sadly, this isn’t an isolated story. All over the world, the ranges of many bamboo species appear to be shrinking, endangering the people and animals that depend upon them.



Despite bamboo's importance, we know surprisingly little about it. A recent report published by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the international Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR) has revealed just how profound our ignorance of global bamboo resources is, particularly in relation to conservation.

There are almost 1,600 recognised species of bamboo, but the report concentrated on the 1,200 or so woody varieties distinguished by the strong stems, or 'culms', that most people associate with this versatile plant. Of these, only 38 'priority species’ identified for their commercial value have been the subject of any real scientific research to date.

This problem isn't confined to bamboo. Compared to the work carried out on animals, the science of assessing the conservation status of plants is still in its infancy. 'People have only started looking at this during the past 10-15 years, and only now are they understanding how to go about it systematically,' says Dr Valerie Kapos, one of the report's authors.



Bamboo tends to grow in 'stands' (or groups) made up of individual plants that grow from roots known as rhizomes. It is the world's fastest-growing woody plant and some species grow over a meter in one day. But the plant's ecological role extends beyond providing food for wildlife. Its rhizome systems, which lie in the top layers of the soil, are crucial in preventing soil erosion. And there is growing evidence that bamboo plays an important part in determining forest structure and dynamics. 'Bamboo's pattern of mass flowering and mass death leaves behind large areas of dry biomass that attract wildfire/ says Kapos. ‘When these bum, they create patches of open ground far bigger than would be left by a fallen tree. Patchiness helps to preserve diversity because certain plant species do better during the early stages of regeneration when there are gaps in the canopy.’



However, bamboo’s most immediate significance lies in its economic value. Many countries, particularly in Asia, are involved in the trade of bamboo products. Modern processing techniques mean it can be used in a variety of ways, for example as flooring and laminates. Traditionally it is used in construction, but one of the fastest growing bamboo products is paper -25 per cent of paper produced in India is made from bamboo fibre.

Of course, bamboo's main function has always been in domestic applications, and as a locally traded product it is worth about US$4,5 billion annually. Bamboo is often the only readily available raw material for people in many developing countries, says Chris Stapleton, a research associate at the UK's Royal Botanic Gardens. ‘Bamboo can be harvested from forest areas or grown quickly elsewhere, and then converted simply without expensive machinery or facilities,’ he says, ‘In this way, it contributes substantially to poverty alleviation.'





Keen horticulturists will spot an apparent contradiction in the worrying picture painted by the UNEP-INBAR report. Those in the West who've followed the recent vogue for cultivating exotic species in their gardens will point out that, if it isn't kept in check, bamboo can cause real problems. ‘In a lot of places, the people who live with bamboo don’t perceive it as being under threat in any way,’ says Kapos. ‘In fact, a lot of bamboo species are very invasive if they've been introduced.' So why are so many species endangered?


There are two separate issues here, says Ray Townsend, arboretum manager at the Royal Botanic Gardens. 'Some plants are threatened because they can’t survive in the habitat - they aren’t strong enough or there aren't enough of them, perhaps. But bamboo can take care of itself - it's strong enough to survive if left alone. What is under threat is its habitat. When forest goes, it’s converted into something else: then there isn't anywhere for forest plants such as bamboo to grow.'



Around the world, bamboo species are routinely protected as part of forest ecosystem in national parks and reserves, but there is next to nothing that protects bamboo in the wild for its own sake. The UNEP-1NBAR report will help conservationists to establish effective measures aimed at protecting valuable wild bamboo species.

Townsend, too, sees the UNEP-INBAR report as an important step forward in promoting the cause of bamboo conservation. 'Until now, bamboo has been perceived as a second-class plant. When you talk about places like the Amazon, everyone always thinks about hardwoods. Of course, these are significant but there’s a tendency to overlook the plants they are associated with, which are often bamboo species.'


Questions 1-7

Reading Passage 1 has six sections, A-F.

Which section contains the following information?

Write the correct letter, A-F, in boxes 1-7 on your answer sheet.

NB You may use any letter more than once.


1?????? an assessment of current levels of knowledge about bamboo

2?????? a comparison between bamboo and more fragile plants

3?????? details of the commercial significance of bamboo

4?????? a human development that is threatening the availability of bamboo

5?????? a description of the limited extent of existing research on bamboo

6?????? examples of the uses to which bamboo is put

7?????? an explanation of how bamboo may contribute to the survival of range of plants


Questions 8-11

Look at the following statements (Questions 8-11) and the list of people below.

Match each statement with the correct person, A-D.

Write the correct letter, A-D, in boxes 9-11 on your answer sheet.

NB You may use any letter more than once.


8?????? Some people do not regard bamboo as an endangered plant species.

9?????? A scarcity of bamboo places certain wildlife under threat.

10???? Research methods investigating endangered plants have yet to be fully developed

11???? The greatest danger to bamboo is disturbance of the places it grows in.



List of People


Ian Redmond


Valerie Kapos


Chris Stapleton


Ray Townsend



Questions 12 and 13

Answer the questions below.

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 12 and 13 on your answer sheet.


12???? What ecological problem do the roots of bamboo help to control?

13???? Which bamboo product is undergoing market expansion?



You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 14-26, which are based on Reading Passage 2 below.

The Triune* Brain

Bamboo is used for a wide range of purposes, but now it seems it may be under threat.


The first of our three brains to evolve is what scientists call the reptilian cortex. This brain sustains the elementary activities of animal survival such as respiration, adequate rest and a beating heart. We are not required to consciously “think” about these activities.

The reptilian cortex also houses the startle centre”,a mechanism that facilitates swift reactions to unexpected occurrences in our surroundings. That panicked lurch you experience when a door slams shut somewhere in the house, or the heightened awareness you feel when a twig cracks in a nearby bush while out on an evening stroll are both examples of the reptilian cortex at work. When it comes to our interaction with others, the reptilian brain offers up only the most basic impulses: aggression, mating, and territorial defence. There is no great difference, in this sense, between a crocodile defending its spot along the river and a turf war between two urban gangs.

Although the lizard may stake a claim to its habitat, it exerts total indifference toward the well-being of its young. Listen to the anguished squeal of a dolphin separated from its pod or witness the sight of elephants mourning their dead, however, and it is clear that a new development is at play. Scientists have identified this as the limbic cortex. Unique to mammals, the limbic cortex impels creatures to nurture their offspring by delivering feelings of tenderness and warmth to the parent when children are nearby. These same sensations also cause mammals to develop various types of social relations and kinship networks. When we are with others of our kind be it at soccer practice, church, school or a nightclub - we experience positive sensations of togetherness, solidarity and comfort. If we spend too long away from these networks, then loneliness sets in and encourages us to seek companionship.

Only human capabilities extend far beyond the scope of these two cortexes. Humans eat, sleep and play, but we also speak, plot, rationalise and debate finer points of morality. Our unique abilities are the result of an expansive third brain - the neocortex - which engages with logic, reason and ideas. The power of the neocortex comes from its ability to think beyond the present, concrete moment. While other mammals are mainly restricted to impulsive actions (although some, such as apes, can learn and remember simple lessons), humans can think about the “big picture”. We can string together simple lessons (for example, an apple drops downwards from a tree; hurting others causes unhappiness) to develop complex theories of physical or social phenomena (such as the laws of gravity and a concern for human rights).

The neocortex is also responsible for the process by which we decide on and commit to particular courses of action. Strung together over time, these choices can accumulate into feats of progress unknown to other animals. Anticipating a better grade on the following morning’s exam, a student can ignore the limbic urge to socialise and go to sleep early instead. Over three years, this ongoing sacrifice translates into a first class degree and a scholarship to graduate school; over a lifetime, it can mean ground-breaking contributions to human knowledge and development. The ability to sacrifice our drive for immediate satisfaction in order to benefit later is a product of the neocortex.


Understanding the triune brain can help us appreciate the different natures of brain damage and psychological disorders. The most devastating form of brain damage, for example, is a condition in which someone is understood to be brain dead. In this state a person appears merely unconscious sleeping, perhaps - but this is illusory. Here, the reptilian brain is functioning on autopilot despite the permanent loss of other cortexes.


Disturbances to the limbic cortex are registered in a different manner. Pups with limbic damage can move around and feed themselves well enough but do not register the presence of their littermates. Scientists have observed how, after a limbic lobotomy**, one impaired monkey stepped on his outraged peers as if treading on a log or a rock.In our own species, limbic damage is closely related to sociopathic behaviour. Sociopaths in possession of fully-functioning neocortexes are often shrewd and emotionally intelligent people but lack any ability to relate to, empathise with or express concern for others.

One of the neurological wonders of history occurred when a railway worker named Phineas Gage survived an incident during which a metal rod skewered his skull, taking a considerable amount of his neocortex with it. Though Gage continued to live and work as before, his fellow employees observed a shift in the equilibrium of his personality. Gage’s animal propensities were now sharply pronounced while his intellectual abilities suffered; garrulous or obscene jokes replaced his once quick wit. New findings suggest, however, that Gage managed to soften these abrupt changes over time and rediscover an appropriate social manner. This would indicate that reparative therapy has the potential to help patients with advanced brain trauma to gain an improved quality of life.



* Triune = three-in-one

**lobotomy = surgical cutting of brain nerves


Questions 14-22

A?????? the reptilian cortex

B?????? the limbic cortex

C?????? the neocortex


Classify the following as typical of






Write the correct letter, A, B or C, in boxes 14-22 on your answer sheet.

14???? giving up short-term happiness for future gains

15???? maintaining the bodily functions necessary for life

16???? experiencing the pain of losing another

17???? forming communities and social groups

18???? making a decision and carrying it out

19???? guarding areas of land

20???? developing explanations for things

21???? looking after one’s young

22???? responding quickly to sudden movement and noise


Questions 23-26

Complete the sentences below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 23-26 on your answer sheet.


23???? A person with only a functioning reptilian cortex is known as ____________

24???? ____________ in humans is associated with limbic disruption.

25???? An industrial accident caused Phineas Gage to lose part of his ____________????????????????

26???? After his accident, co-workers noticed an imbalance between Gage's ____________?? and higher-order thinking.



You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 27-40, which are based on Reading Passage 3 below.

Language diversity

One of the most influential ideas in the study of languages is that of universal grammar (UG). Put forward by Noam Chomsky in the 1960s, it is widely interpreted as meaning that all languages are basically the same, and that the human brain is born language-ready, with an in-built programme that is able to interpret the common rules underlying any mother tongue. For five decades this idea prevailed, and influenced work in linguistics, psychology and cognitive science. To understand language, it implied, you must sweep aside the huge diversity of languages, and find their common human core.


Since the theory of UG was proposed, linguists have identified many universal language rules. However, there are almost always exceptions. It was once believed, for example, that if a language had syllables* that begin with a vowel and end with a consonant (VC), it would also have syllables that begin with a consonant and end with a vowel (CV). This universal lasted until 1999, when linguists showed that Arrernte, spoken by Indigenous Australians from the area around Alice Springs in the Northern Territory, has VC syllables but no CV syllables.


Other non-universal universals describe the basic rules of putting words together. Take the rule that every language contains four basic word classes: nouns,verbs, adjectives and adverbs. Work in the past two decades has shown that several languages lack an open adverb class,which means that new adverbs cannot be readily formed, unlike in English where you can turn any adjective into an adverb, for example soft into softly. Others, such as Lao, spoken in Laos, have no adjectives at all. More controversially, some linguists argue that a few languages, such as Straits Salish, spoken by indigenous people from north-western regions of North America, do not even have distinct nouns or verbs. Instead, they have a single class of words to include events, objects and qualities.


Even apparently indisputable universals have been found lacking. This includes recursion, or the ability to infinitely place one grammatical unit inside a similar unit, such as 'Jack thinks that Mary thinks that... the bus will be on time’. It is widely considered to be the most essential characteristic of human language, one that sets it apart from the communications of all other animals. Yet Dan Everett at Illinois State University recently published controversial work showing that Amazonian Piraha does not have this quality.

But what if the very diversity of languages is the key to understanding human communication? Linguists Nicholas Evans of the Australian National University in Canberra, and Stephen Levinson of the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, believe that languages do not share a common set of rules. Instead, they say, their sheer variety is a defining feature of human communication – something not seen in other animals. While there is no doubt that human thinking influences the form that language takes, if Evans and Levinson are correctlanguage in turn shapes our brains. This suggests that humans are more diverse than we thought, with our brains having differences depending on the language environment in which we grew up. And that leads to a disturbing conclusion: every time a language becomes extinct, humanity loses an important piece of diversity.

If languages do not obey a single set of shared rules, then how are they created? 'Instead of universals, you get standard engineering solutions that languages adopt again and again, and then you get outliers,' says Evans. He and Levinson argue that this is because any given language is a complex system shaped by many factors, including culture, genetics and history. There are no absolutely universal traits of language, they say,only tendencies. And it is a mix of strong and weak tendencies that characterises the ‘bio-cultural, mix that we call language.

According to the two linguists, the strong tendencies explain why many languages display common patterns. A variety of factors tend to push language in a similar direction,such as the structure of the brain, the biology of speech, and the efficiencies of communication. Widely shared linguistic elements may also be ones that build on a particularly human kind of reasoning. For example, the fact that before we learn to speak we perceive the world as a place full of things causing actions (agents) and things having actions done to them (patients) explains why most languages deploy these grammatical categories.

Weak tendencies, in contrast, are explained by the idiosyncrasies of different languages. Evans and Levinson argue that many aspects of the particular natural history of a population may affect its language. For instance, Andy Butcher at Flinders University in Adelaide, South Australia, has observed that indigenous Australian children have by far the highest incidence of chronic middle-ear infection of any population on the planet, and that most indigenous Australian languages lack many sounds that are common in other languages, but which are hard to hear with a middle-ear infection. Whether this condition has shaped the sound systems of these languages is unknown, says Evans, but it is important to consider the idea.


Levinson and Evans are not the first to question the theory of universal grammar, but no one has summarised these ideas quite as persuasively, and given them as much reach. As a result, their arguments have generated widespread enthusiasm, particularly among those linguists who are tired of trying to squeeze their findings into the straitjacket of ‘a(chǎn)bsolute universals’. To some, it is the final nail in UG’s coffin. Michael Tomasello, co-director of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, has been a long-standing critic of the idea that all languages conform to a set of rules. 'Universal grammar is dead,' he says.


*a unit of sound


Questions 27-40

Questions 27-32

Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer in Reading Passage 3?


YES?? ???????? ???????? if the statement agrees with the claims of the writer

NO?? ???????? ???????? if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer

NOT GIVEN???? if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this


27???? In the final decades of the twentieth century, a single theory of language learning was dominant.

28???? The majority of UG rules proposed by linguists do apply to all human languages.

29???? There is disagreement amongst linguists about an aspect of Straits Salish grammar.

30???? The search for new universal language rules has largely ended.

31???? If Evans and Levinson are right, people develop in the same way no matter what language they speak.

32???? The loss of any single language might have implications for the human race.?


Questions 33-37

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.

33???? Which of the following views about language are held by Evans and Levinson?

A ???? Each of the world’s languages develops independently.

B ???? he differences between languages outweigh the similarities.

C ???? Only a few language features are universal.

D ??? Each language is influenced by the characteristics of other languages.


34???? According to Evans and Levinson, apparent similarities between languages could be due to

A?????? close social contact.

B?????? faulty analysis.

C?????? shared modes of perception.

D????? narrow descriptive systems.


35???? In the eighth paragraph, what does the reference to a middle-ear infection serve as?

A ???? A justification for something.

B ???? A contrast with something.

C?????? The possible cause of something.

D????? The likely result of something.


36???? What does the writer suggest about Evans’ and Levinson’s theory of language development?

A?????? It had not been previously considered.

B?????? It is presented in a convincing way.

C?????? It has been largely rejected by other linguists.

D????? It is not supported by the evidence.


37???? Which of the following best describes the writer’s purpose?

A To describe progress in the field of cognitive science.

B To defend a long-held view of language learning.

C To identify the similarities between particular languages.

D To outline opposing views concerning the nature of language.


Questions 38-40

Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A-E, below.

Write the correct letter, A-E.

38???? The Arrernte language breaks a ‘rule’ concerning

39???? The Lao language has been identified as lacking

40???? It has now been suggested that Amazonia Piraha does not have

A?????? words of a certain grammatical type.

B?????? a sequence of sounds predicted by UG.

C?????? words which can have more than one meaning.

D????? the language feature regarded as the most basic.

E?????? sentences beyond a specified length.



Passage 1



此題講人們對(duì)bamboo 的現(xiàn)有認(rèn)識(shí)水平,全篇文章只有B段在講關(guān)于竹認(rèn)識(shí),竹研究方面的進(jìn)展,因此對(duì)應(yīng)到B段,B段一開始便提到“.....has revealed just how profound our ignorance of global bamboo resources is, (揭示了我們對(duì)全球竹資源的無知有多么深刻)。



E段提到“some plants ac threatened because they can’t survive in the habitat-they aren't strong enough or there aren’t enough of them, perhaps. But bamboo can take care of itself-it strong enough to survive if left alone.”雖未提到more fragile plant,但提到“not strong,整句是將 bamboo more fragile plant 進(jìn)行了對(duì)比。



此題答案比較容易找到。題目中commercial —詞即提醒考生在文 章D段第一句便提到bamboo的economic value,并且D段全段明顯在講 Bamboo的商業(yè)價(jià)值,商業(yè)用途。



此題答案較隱蔽,但細(xì)心閱讀也不難找到A....resources have come under increasing pressure as populations have exploded and large areas of bamboo forest have been cleared to make way for commercial plantations. 此句講人口爆炸式增長(zhǎng)且大枇竹林被砍伐,用于商業(yè)種 植,此類人類活動(dòng)造成竹資源面臨更大的壓力。



此題較容易,題目中“research”提醒人們找到B段講竹資源的研 究,B段羅列的數(shù)字都能體現(xiàn)迄今為止對(duì)竹資源的研究很有限。



關(guān)鍵要讀懂題目的意思,“put sth. into use”將...投 入使用,即如何使用竹資源的例子,即竹子的用途,原文D段便在講 竹子的各種產(chǎn)品,各種商業(yè)用途,如用作“flooring and laminates, paper 等”



題目意題目意思是:竹子如何幫助其他植物的生存; 仔細(xì)閱讀后會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)在C段最后一句講到When these bum, they create patches of open ground. ...Patchiness helps to preserve diversity because certain plant species do better during... 從“preserve”,“certain plant species”,“do better”等字眼, 我們可以確認(rèn)竹子確能幫助其他植物。




E段打引號(hào)的地方kapos說:In a lot of places, the people who live with bamboo don't perceive it as being under threat in any way. “Perceive sth. as”認(rèn)為…即有 些人并不認(rèn)為竹子面臨威脅;題目中“regard sth. as”也是認(rèn)為的意思,“endangered species”瀕危物種。此題也是典型的考“paraphrase”,即 換一種說法。



“place sth. under threat”將某物至于威脅中,“scarcity”稀缺;原文 A段 Ian Redmond,說到:without it, their chances of survival would be reduced significantly.此處it 指代上文bamboo, “their chances of survival”指gorilla的生存機(jī)會(huì);與題目表達(dá)意思一樣。



調(diào)查瀕危植物的研究方法有待發(fā)展。此題提到“research自然回到文章B段找答案,B段只有Dr Valerie Kapos講了一句話“People have only started looking at this during how to go about it systematically.”與題目一致



題目說對(duì)竹子造成最大威脅的是對(duì)其生長(zhǎng)環(huán)the place it grows in”對(duì)應(yīng)原文E段的habitat 詞;并且能找到一句話“What is under threat is its habitat.(生長(zhǎng)地,棲息地即面臨威脅的 是竹子的生長(zhǎng)地,而不是竹子本身,竹子本身是很強(qiáng)壯的,能獨(dú)自生長(zhǎng),但一旦其生長(zhǎng)環(huán)境遭到破壞,其將面臨威脅。

“What is under threat is its habitat.境的破壞?!皌he placc it grows in”對(duì)應(yīng)原文E段的habitat —詞;并且能找到一句

話“What is under threat is its habitat.(生長(zhǎng)地,棲息地即面臨威脅的 是竹子的生長(zhǎng)地,而不是竹子本身,竹子本身是很強(qiáng)壯的,能獨(dú)自生 長(zhǎng),但一旦其生長(zhǎng)環(huán)境遭到破壞,其將面臨威脅。



Soil erosion

題目中提至“ecological”即回到原文唯有C段提到的the plant's ecological role....arc crucial in preventing soil erosion. 竹子能夠控制,防止水土流失。



題目提到“bamboo product”,即回到講此話題的D段找答案。 其中有一句提到 “but one of the fastest growing bamboo products is paper”, “fastest growing”與“market expansion”相對(duì)應(yīng)。



Passage 2































brain dead



sociopathic behavior






animal propensities



Passage 3



PARAGRAPH 1 says that one of the most influential ideas is that of universal grammar which prevailed from the 1960s for the next five decades.



PARAGRAPH 2 shows that linguists have identified many universal language rules. However, there are almost always exceptions.



PARAGRAPH 3 confirms that some linguists are controversial in arguing that languages, such as Straits Salish do not even have distinct nouns or verbs.



Although the passage tells us that some linguists are pleased to move away from the search for universal language rules, it does not say if this is a majority of linguists.




The Evans and Levinson ideas suggest that human brains are different depending on the language environment.




... every time a language becomes extinct, humanity loses an important piece of diversity.




... any given language is a complex system shaped by many factors, including culture, genetics and history.




Linguistic elements may build on human reasoning. We perceive the world in a certain way before we learn to speak.




Notes that middle ear infections are common among indigenous Australian children and their language lacks sounds which would be difficult to hear, given an ear infection. There may be a cause- and-effect relationship here.




'Levinson and Evans are not the first to question the theory of universal grammar, but no one has summarised these ideas quite as persuasively,



The passage compares in an objective manner the differing views of linguists.




... syllables but no CV syllables.




'Others, such as Lao ... have no adjectives at all.




'Even apparently indisputable universals have been found lacking. This includes recursion ... Amazonian Piraha does not have this quality.




Section 1 & Section 2重點(diǎn)場(chǎng)景(生活類):學(xué)科,動(dòng)物,制作流程,報(bào)名申請(qǐng),旅游住宿。

Section 3 & Section 4重點(diǎn)場(chǎng)景(學(xué)術(shù)類):師生討論,學(xué)術(shù)講座,作業(yè)討論,論文選題。


Section 1

Questions 1-10

Complete the form below.

Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.






The Impostor


Saturday 1 _____


2 _____


three adults and one child

Seats in

the 3 _____

Seat row/number(s)

4 _____

Method of delivery


Total payment


Card details:





5 _____

6 _____

Mr. J 7 _____


8 _____ Street, London

9 _____

Additional requests

put on the mailing list

Book 10 _____



Questions 11-17

Label the plan of the rock festival site below.

Choose SEVEN answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-I, next to Question 11-17.



art exhibition


band entrance


car park


craft fair


exhibitions’ entrance


fringe stage


lock-up garages


main stage












Questions 18 and 20

Complete the sentences below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

18 To show you are an official visitor, you have to wear the _____ provided.

19 Cars blocking paths could prevent access by _____ in an emergency.

20 To reclaim items from storage, you must show your _____.



Section 3

Questions 21 and 30

Complete the sentences below.

Questions 21-25.

Write NO MORR THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

21. Students must follow _____ to prevent accidents in the lab.

22. The students have not been using _____ while in the lab.

23. Students cannot eat or drink until _____ is finished and they have washed their hands.

24. Tessa should tie her hair back to avoid danger when she is working with a _____ or chemicals.

25. Students must wear long sleeves and shoes made of _____ in the lab.

Questions 26-28

Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

26 Which student is currently using an appropriate notebook?

A Vincent

B Tessa

C Neither student

27 The tutor says that writing observations in complete sentences

A is often not a good use of time

B makes them easier to interpret later

C means that others can understand them


28 The students must write dates

A next to each drawing

B next to each written section

C next to each drawing and written section


Questions 29 and 30

Choose TWO letters, A-E.

Which TWO things must he included in the conclusion to the experiment?

A. the questions investigated

B. the solutions to the questions

C. the student’s own thoughts about the experiment

D. the length of time spent on the experiment

E. the student’s signature


Question 24-27

Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

24 Why does Marco’s tutor advise him to avoid the Team Management course?

A It will repeat work that Marco has already done.

B It is intended for students at a lower level than Marco.

C It may take too much time to do well.


25 Why does Marco want to do a dissertation?

A He thinks it will help his future career.

B He would like to do a detailed study.

C He has already done some work for it.


26 What does Marco's tutor think about the dissertation outline?

A The topic is too narrow to be useful.

B The available data may be unsuitable

C The research plan is too complicated.


27 What does Marco decide to do about his dissertation?

A contact potential interviewees

B change to another topic

C discuss it with Professor Briggs


Questions 28-30

Complete the sentences below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Practical details

28 A first draft of the dissertation should be completed by the end of _____

29 The dissertation should be registered with the _____ of the department.

30 Marco should get a copy of the statistic software form the _____


Section 4

Questions 31-35

Write ONLY ONE WORD for each answer.

Manufacturing in the English midlands

31 In the eighteenth century, the still determined how most people made a living.

32 In the ground were minerals which supported the many _____ of the region.

33 Since the late sixteenth century the French settlers had made _____

34 In Cheshire???? _____ was mined and transported on the river Mersey.

35 Potters worked in a few _____ situated on the small hills of North Staffordshire.


Questions 36-40

Write ONE WORD for each answer

Pottery notes



  • potters used 36 _____ clay
  • saved money on 37 _____


????? needed two firings in the kiln to be 38?

????? fragility led to high 39 _____ during manufacturing


  • more expensive but better
  • made from a 40 _____ of clay and flint.



Answer key

Section 1

1. 26(th)

2. 7.00

3. circle

4. A21-24

5. Master/Mastercard

6. 32900587644012899

7. Whitton

8. 42 South

9. SW25GE

10. headphones


Section 2

11. D

12. F

13. I

14. B

15. E

16. A

17. G

18. arm band

19. ambulance

20. yellow ticket


Section 3

21. safety procedures/directions / safely rules

22. eye protection / safety glasses/goggles

23. clean-up / clean up / cleanup

24. naked flame

25. leather

26. C

27. B

28. C

29.&30. (in either order)




Section 4

31 land

32 industries/trades

33 glass

34 salt

35 villages

36 local

37 fuel

38 waterproof

39 wastage/waste

40 mixture/mix/combination







Part 1

Part 2&3


Work or studies















Foreign food









Space travel









Killing time






Rainy days



Outdoor activities





Part 1



Did you save money when you were young?



Well, I don’t think so.

When I was a student, I remember I usually spent all the money given by my parents as they just gave me a certain sum of money for each month, so I just used all of them by the end of each month and then asked for more from them.


Do you think parents should teach children to save money?



Yes, I think so.

It is essential for parents to teach their kids to save money because kids could learn how to manage their money in a wise way. Plus, they could also make better use of the saved money in their life.


How do you save money?



Well, as for me, I usually just put some of my money in my bank account from which I actually earn little interest. And at the same time, I also have some money in Alipay as I am pretty happy with the interest I earn every day.


Who tends to spend more money in your country, elder people or young people?



Well, I think it is definitely young people who tend to spend more money in my country as their generally hold a different attitude towards life from elder people. That is to say, they seem to believe that spending more money could greatly increase the level of their happiness, while elder people seem to lead a simple life which does not need much money.


Part 2 & 3

Part 2


Describe a good service you received from a shop or company

You should say:

What the service was

When you received it

Who you were with

And explain how you felt about it



此話題屬于物品類話題, 所要描述的是商店或者公司的某種服務(wù), 屬于虛擬物品;另外,我們使用的主要時(shí)態(tài)應(yīng)該是“past tense” 描述的這個(gè)服務(wù)是你已經(jīng)體驗(yàn)過的;接著,我們看前三個(gè)“basic information”:這個(gè)服務(wù)具體是什么? 你什么時(shí)候接受的這個(gè)服務(wù)? 你和誰,或者在哪里接受的這個(gè)服務(wù)? 這里我們需要思考:它們之間是否存在某種 logical connection?或者可以給出哪些相關(guān)的拓展信息? 比如, 在介紹這個(gè)服務(wù)具體內(nèi)容的時(shí)候, 是不是可以順便交代接受這個(gè)服務(wù)的時(shí)間(可能因?yàn)榉?wù)時(shí)間的特殊性使服務(wù)內(nèi)容具備某種特色等);


到最后解釋,說明的部分,大家需要展開說明針對(duì)這項(xiàng)服務(wù), 你的感受是什么, 并且需要交代為什么會(huì)有這樣的感受等等。



Well, speaking of a good service I once received, I must say it was from a restaurant which I went to with a couple of my playmates from my childhood last Spring Festival during a visit to my parents. It was actually a hotpot place which is usually quite popular for friends’ get-together.


To tell you the truth, I was not able to go back to my hometown and hang out with my friends ever since I left college and started working in Beijing. Therefore, I began to plan this reunion two months in advance, and finally we all agreed that we would go to a hotpot place to catch up.


After we arrived at this place, there was honestly nothing special about their food or anything. However, one spectacular service they provided for each table was really impressive, and also quite unexpected to us, to be frank.


Instead of saying it was a service, I would rather describe it as a kind of performance in which one of their skilled waiters began dancing with a long piece of noodle flying in his hands, and what was even more enjoyable was that his dancing gesture with the flying noodle went so harmoniously with the rhythm of the music.


Watching all this really brought so much fun to us. I have to admit it was a really special reunion that I had with my friends, because not only did we enjoy the chat about the changes we had since college while eating nice food, but also we felt so lucky to have the opportunity to see such a wonderful show, which actually made our time more pleasant and unforgettable.



spectacular: 形容詞,壯觀的 驚人的?

EgWith the spectacular views during that trip, each of us was really pleased.


gesture: 名詞;姿態(tài)? 手勢(shì)

EgWhenever we have any difficult time understanding Peter, his vivid gesture could always be a great help.


rhythm: 名詞;節(jié)奏 韻律

Eg: Many people are in favor of his songs not really because he has a beautiful voice, instead, each of his songs carries a charming rhythm.


unforgettable: 形容詞; 令人難忘的

EgWe all have some unforgettable experiences no matter they are good or bad, but we all wish that good ones could always stay in our mind while bad ones could vanish as soon as possible.


Part 3題目


How do you evaluate the overall service in your country?



Well, I personally think there is still much space for improvement in terms of the overall service in my country. What I mean is that the service might be pretty good when you go to a fancy restaurant, but it can be rather nasty when you eat at a small restaurant.



①in terms of 介詞短語;在某個(gè)方面

EgIn terms of his academic performance, he is a great art student, despite the fact that he intentionally skipped many of his classes. ?


nasty: 形容詞;不好的? 不愉快的

EgPeter is no longer the person he used to be after going through so many nasty experiences in life.


What would you do when you receive a bad service?



What I usually do is to leave the place as quickly as I could as I always believe we should all deserve the best service as long as we are at a place where we are supposed to be served. That is to say, we should definitely leave the place whenever we receive some bad service.



deserve 動(dòng)詞;應(yīng)得? 應(yīng)受

EgAfter working for 5 years at his current company, he thinks he deserves a better pay. However, his request for pay rise has been officially rejected.


②be supposed to : 短語; 應(yīng)該

EgI suggest you go to find him in his office tomorrow afternoon at about 15:30 as he is supposed to be working at that time.


Are you a person who tends to serve other people a lot?


Well, generally speaking, I think I am. I mean I kind of enjoy serving other people when I am in group. For instance, when I eat out with friends, I would normally take the menu and ask each of my friends to order the food they each like. And I might even add water for my friends while they are eating.



kind of 詞組; 有點(diǎn) 稍許

EgHe kind of likes the feeling when people call him Professor Lee as that title makes him feel respected and important.


②add : 動(dòng)詞; 添加

EgPeter has a sweet tooth, so he always adds lots of sugar to his coffee.


How do you serve your guests when they come over to your house?



Well, when they come over, I usually prepare some snacks and drinks for them to enjoy, and sometimes I would even cook yummy food for them if they have more time to stay.



snacks 名詞;小吃? 零食

EgYoung ladies control themselves and try to eat fewer snacks in order to lose weight.


yummy: 形容詞; 美味的? 好吃的

EgSome primary school students seem to enjoy the food at that Brazilian restaurant as they all claim that the Brazilian food they serve there is pretty yummy.














餅圖 (Hot)



柱圖 (Hot)









You should spend 20 minutes on this task.


The diagram below shows the changes of an unknown village between 1900 and 2000.


Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


Write at least 150 words.



本篇為典型的歷史變遷地圖題。不同于靜態(tài)地圖,此類動(dòng)態(tài)變遷圖需要考生篩選出兩個(gè)年份同一地點(diǎn)的新增的、消失的、變化的內(nèi)容,從而進(jìn)行對(duì)比描述。另外,考生也需要注意是過去年份過去時(shí)態(tài)的應(yīng)用。類似的變化地圖題還有劍9Test1 中的island變化圖,以及劍12Test6 town centre變化圖,建議大家自行練習(xí),也可以對(duì)比學(xué)習(xí)劍雅真題后面的7分范文。




The two maps illustrate the changes that took place in an unknown village from 1900 to 2000. Overall, this small village changes from an isolated mountain village into a modern town with well-facilitated urban infrastructure. As can be seen, a river halves the pictures, and over it a bridge extends as a road through the village.


The year 1900 saw nothing but an area of woodland and a castle on the northern side. 100 years later, however, a new road was opened up along the northern side of the river. At the original location of the castle, a school was built, behind which a railway line was constructed. Besides, a residential area with a shopping centre appeared on the place where previously woodland and mountain were.


On the southern side of the river, there used to be a manor and vast wetland separated by the road. Yet in 2000, the manor was transformed into a park, while the original wetland into a lake in the centre with a line of trees to the southern village border. Across from that, another residential area towered with a small path, connecting the main road to it.


Word count: 192



isolated? adj.孤立的

well-facilitated? adj. 設(shè)施完善的

infrastructure? n. 基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施

original adj. 原本的,原來的

halve? v.···一分為二

residential area? . 住宅區(qū) 居民區(qū)

transform?? v. 轉(zhuǎn)變,改變

tower?? v. 高聳






滬江網(wǎng)校雅思老師,線上線下授課經(jīng)驗(yàn)豐富,在大學(xué)有兩年多出國留學(xué)課程及SQA專業(yè)課授課經(jīng)驗(yàn),商務(wù)英語聽口綜合課程授課經(jīng)驗(yàn);英語和教育學(xué)雙學(xué)士,國際商務(wù)碩士;獲劍橋TKT資格證,British Council雅思教師培訓(xùn)證書,高中英語教師資格證書等。
















Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject. Do you agree or disagree


Nowadays,full-time university students tend to focus on their studying. Some people think it is essential for university students to be involved in other activities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


In many countries, children are encouraged to take part in some paid work. Some people think this practice is unacceptable because it brings about negative impacts on the healthy development of children, while others maintain that paid work is conducive to children's growth, because it helps children to form a correct attitude and form a sense of responsibility. What's your opinion?


As scientists contribute more to the development of our society than other people do, science students should get more financial support from the government than other students. Do you agree or disagree?


Some people think that all young people should be required to have full-time education until they are at least 18 years old. To what extent do you agree or disagree


Schools should teach children some academic subjects which will be beneficial to their future careers. Therefore, other subjects such as music and sports are not important. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


Some people think parents should read or tell stories to children. Others think parents needn’t do that as children can read books or watch TV, movies by themselves. Discuss the both views and give your own opinion.



Some people think museums should be enjoyable places to attract and entertain young people, while others think the purpose of museums should be to educate, not entertain. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.


It is the only way to improve the safety on ours roads that give much strict punishment for driving offence. Do you agree?


Old people have their own ideas of how to think, behave and live. However, these are no longer suitable for young people in preparing their modern life. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


With the development of many countries, people start to live individually and live in very small family units. What are the causes? What effects does it have on society?



Scientific research should be carried out and controlled by government rather than private companies. Do you agree or disagree?


Some people think they have right to use as much fresh water as they want, while others believe governments should strictly control the use of fresh water as it is limited resource. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


The government has the duty to ensure that its citizens have a healthy diet, while others believe this is individuals' responsibility. Discuss both views and give your opinion.



With the increasing demand for energy sources of oil and gas, people should look for sources of oil and gas in remote and untouched places. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages of damaging such areas?


Some people think that instead of preventing climate change, we need to find a way to live with it. Do you agree or disagree?


Some people say the best way to solve the environmental problem is to raise the price of fuel, to what extent do you agree or disagree?


Environmental problems are too big for individual countries and individual people to address. We have reached the stage where the only way to protect the environment is to address it at an international level. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?


Some people think that environmental problems are too big for individuals to solve. Others, however, believe that these problems cannot be solved if individuals do not take actions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.



Some think most crime is the result of circumstances e.g. poverty and other social problems. Others believe that most crime is caused by people who are bad by nature. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.



The development of technologies is causing environmental problems. Some people believe that the solution is for everyone to adopt a simpler way of life while others say that technologies can solve these problems. Discuss the both viewpoints and give your own opinion.


Some people think it’s necessary to use animals for testing medicines intended for human use. Others, however, think it’s not right to do that. Discuss both views and give you own opinion.



In many countries, women are allowed to take maternity leave from their jobs during the first month after the birth of their babies. Does the advantage outweigh the disadvantages?


Countries with a long average working time are more economically successful than those countries which do not have a long working time. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



The government has the duty to ensure that its citizens have a healthy diet, while others believe this is individuals' responsibility. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


Advertising can influence the way people think, so it has negative effects. Do you agree or disagree?



Tourism is a multibillion-dollar industry that supports economic development. However some people think that it causes too much damage to the local environment and culture. Do you agree or disagree?


Foreign tourists abroad should be charged more than local people when visiting the local historical and cultural tourist attractions. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



Some people believe famous people's support towards international aid organizations draws the attention to problems, while others think celebrities make the problems less important. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


With the development of technology and science, some people believe that there is no great value of artists such as musicians and painters. What are the things artists can do but the scientist cannot? Why should we encourage the art area?




題目:With the increasing demand for energy sources of oil and gas, people should look for sources of oil and gas in remote and untouched places. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages of damaging such areas?









As is known to all, energy resources such as oil and gas are closely connected with economic growth and technology development. Unfortunately, a large part of the resources we rely on are not renewable. Facing the problem of energy scarcity, many people shift their focus to the remote and unexploited areas for oil and gas. But I insist that in the long run, the downsides of the act prevail over the advantages it might bring.


Admittedly, exploring the energy resources in untouched areas can ease the pressure on energy shortage--provided that the chosen place does contain abundant oil or gas. Besides, the mining projects there will produce positive effects on other aspects such as transportation, infrastructure and job opportunity, all of which can surely improve the living standard of the local people.


However, it should be noted that with this method, the energy crisis could only be mitigated for a while, but never eradicated, since resources as such will eventually be used up some day. Then the locals will experience job losses again. Worse still, the exploitation poses a huge threat to our environment and ecologic system. Without strict laws and regulations, these money-oriented operations are very likely to disrupt the rare animal species, cut down the migratory pathways and even cause a lasting damage to the environment. Obviously, the consequences are too costly to afford as it is our future habitats and civilisation that are under attack. Rather than merely focusing on conventional energies, people need to broaden their horizons to other renewable forms such as solar power and wind energy.


All considerations discussed above, we can easily reach the conclusion that although tapping oil and gas can bring instant benefits in a small range, the aftereffect may be devastating and irreversible. Therefore it is more reasonable to leave the unexploited land for some more sustainable development.




renewable: adj.? 可再生的

energy scarcity: ?能源短缺

prevail over:? 超過

it should be noted that: ?需要注意的是

eradicated: v. ??徹底根除

a lasting damage: ?持久性損害

aftereffect: n. ??后續(xù)影響





滬江網(wǎng)校留學(xué)資深教研老師,同濟(jì)大學(xué)英語語言文學(xué)碩士,主攻雅思托福等留學(xué)考試。參與滬江網(wǎng)校《雅思保七沖八》、Unlock A1-B2雅思能力課程、World English B1、新版雅思6.5分閱讀、新版雅思7分聽力等課程的設(shè)計(jì)規(guī)劃與制作,并幫助多名1V1學(xué)生達(dá)到雅思寫作7分。








