2010-12-24 00:00
Avoid using foods like popcorn or cranberries to decorate your home. If your pup eats them, they can cause blockages, which often require surgery to remove.
Skip the tinsel, or move it to a high spot on your tree where your cats and dogs can't get them, warns.?Put fragile ornaments at the tip-top of your tree, too, in case jumpy pets try to get to them.
Tape indoor wires to the wall and outdoor wires to the side of the house, out of reach of your pets. Cats, in particular, may try chewing through them, potentially causing electrocution.
Holiday plants — poinsettias, holly, mistletoe and evergreens — are dangerous to dogs and cats alike. Keep plants out of reach, and watch your pets when they're near the tree.
Butter, meat, onions, garlic — these are all potentially harmful to pets. Keep food out of reach, and put it in the refrigerator after your holiday meals. (It makes clean-up easier for you, too!)
Chocolate (particularly the dark variety) is an obvious no-no for any animal,?and coffee can actually prove toxic for cats, too. Don't let them sip from your cups.
Remember, alcohol is a no-no! Keep the wine and spirits covered.