A protest campaign sponsored by a lay Catholic organization gathered more than 20,000 signatures on a petition urging Netflix to cancel the fantasy series “Good Omens,” based on the 1990 novel by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett.
一個非正式的天主教組織發(fā)起了一次抗議活動,在一份請愿書上收集了20,000多個簽名,要求網飛刪除奇幻喜劇《好兆頭 》,這部劇改編自Neil Gaiman和Terry Pratchett于1990年出版的小說。

Netflix promptly agreed not to produce any more episodes, which was an easy promise to keep — the streaming service has nothing to do with the series, which was on Amazon.

圖片來源:Good Omens

Return to Order, a campaign affiliated with right-wing Catholic group the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property, objected to the “blasphemous” show.

The petition urging the show’s cancellation argues that the series “mocks God’s wisdom” and “presents devils and Satanists as normal and even good.”

The group takes exception with the casting of Frances McDormand as the voice of God and the portrayal of the Antichrist as “a normal kid that has special powers and a mission to destroy the world, which he doesn't really want to do.”

“Good Omens” is the long-awaited adaptation of Gaiman and Pratchett's novel, a comic fantasy about an angel and a demon who team up to stop the coming apocalypse.
公眾對改編自Gaiman和Pratchett小說的《好兆頭 》期待已久,這是一部奇幻喜劇,講述了天使和惡魔聯手阻止末日來臨。

It was the only novel to be co-written by Gaiman, the author of “American Gods” and “Coraline,” and Pratchett, the bestselling novelist who died from Alzheimer's disease in 2015.

Gaiman told The Times that an ailing Pratchett asked him to adapt the novel into a television series.

