Coronavirus:Wildlife Takes Over Cities Across the Globe as Humans Self-Isolate

The current situation in the world has madeit impossible for humans to go about their normal businesses. Due to theoutbreak of Coronavirus in the world, people have been advised to self-isolatethemselves with the aim that it will reduce the number of infections.

As the entire West is entering intoincreasingly unprecedented territory with lockdowns, quarantines andsocial-distancing orders, wildlife in towns and cities has already begun totake over what once were the epicenters of human activity.

Well, it seems one creature’s poison isanother’s beef as animals are making use of the opportunity to visit thecities.

Increasing numbers of animals whichnormally inhabit the areas outside large cities and towns, are now feelingbrave enough to explore urban areas, since their unusual peace and quiet seemto offer them a safe environment in which to do so.

Some of these animals have come to bigtowns and cities in search of food. Other animals were also seen roaming aboutas if the pandemic won’t come to an end.

Social media is full of videos showinganimals taking over towns and cities as a result of the recent lockdowns. Whilesome of the videos are obviously fake, most of them are genuine and show howanimals can alter their normal behavior in such conditions.

One such video comes from the town ofLlandudno, in Wales.

There, the deserted streets of the towncame back to vibrant life, but not with humans this time but rather with goats,which entered the city and wandered freely around the main streets of the town.

the goats rampaging around lockdownLlandudno are a true inspiration

The beautiful animals were even seen eatinggrass and bushes from private front gardens of many houses!

Earlier in March, when the coronaviruspandemic was hitting Asian nations hard, deer from Japan’s famous Nara Parkleft the premises of the green space looking for food in the middle of the cityof Nara.

CCTV footage caught the beautiful animalswandering around, munching on anything they could find in the nearly-desertedcity.

Less tourists in Nara = less people feedingthe deer in the parks. Now they're venturing out into the city eating flowersand plants, per Fuji TV

However, it’s not just small ormedium-sized towns and cities experiencing these incidents.

Large metropolises such as Paris, have alsoseen peculiar scenes involving animals in these times.

Parisians, who have been in lockdown forseveral days now, have seen ducks walking around the Comédie Fran?aise theatre,taking in the many sights in the City of Lights.

The birds most likely left the Seine Riverin an attempt to find some food, since tourists and locals are not feeding themanymore.

VIDEO: As Francecontinues its #coronavirus confinement, wildlife is claiming back some of thepublic space. Ducks are no longer content to stay near the Seine river, theynow wander the quiet streets of Paris as on Friday evening near the ComédieFran?aise theatre

Another, muchmore unsettling, video showed a group of starving pigeons in a city in Spaintrying to find some food from the shopping trolley of a passerby.

The video showsthe extent of the problem that city-dwelling animals now face, as most humansare not feeding them anymore, and they are not able to find much food on theirown in such an urbanized place.

Someone sent thisvideo of Spain.. Since no one is feeding pigeons now they started followinghumans for feed.. Harsh times of our lives #CoronavirusLockdown #COVID-19
有人發(fā)了西班牙的一個視頻……因為現(xiàn)在沒有人喂鴿子了,它們開始跟隨著人類想尋找食物。我們生活的艱難時刻#新冠病毒居家隔離 #新冠病毒

Similar scenes,either of hungry animals and birds, or happy ones showing them finally enjoyingthe delights of urban life unfettered, have been seen in countless towns and citiesacross the globe.

Coronavirus inCatalonia — Boars descend in droves from the hills to the very center of Arenysde Mar, a coastal town near Barcelona, after more than a week of lockdown

In Thailand, quite a number of monkey wereseen on the streets in search of food

