Traffic jam can be really disturbing especially in rush hours and the time when you are urgent to do something. Sometimes it just happens when there is a car accident and sometimes it is just because there are too many cars on the roads! Therefore it usually occur in big cities where busy transportation can be witnessed and in spite of the traffic police’s efforts, it takes time to deal with.
I can still remember that experience about the traffic which almost made me frustrated at one time. It was about a year ago that I happened to be caught in traffic jam on my way to the college to attend my graduation design show, which was rather important considering my graduation project. I thought at that moment there must have been a severe car crash or something lying ahead, as in the coming thirty minutes, I could not sense any sign of the flow moving a little bit. Obviously I was anxious since that show was about to begin but I did actually leave my apartment ahead of schedule. In fact, I was definitely thinking of jumping out of the taxi and walking along the top of all other vehicles. After this miserable halt had ended, the taxi roared to the conference hall where the show was held, but unfortunately it was about 10 minutes late.
Since then, I have always preferred taking the subway rather than wasting time in some snail-paced traffic. Although in rush hours, for instance, passengers are all packed like sardines in carriages, the underground train service seldom makes mistakes. Thus, I won’t be worried about the matters of delay too much. In addition, I believe the government should take more efforts on infrastructure construction and ensure a better urban life for all of its citizens.