According to a new International labour organization, unemployment is projected to increase by around 2.5 million in 2020. As the global labour force increases, not enough new jobs are being generated to absorb new entrants to the labour market. Almost half a billion people are working fewer paid hours than they would like or lack adequate access to paid work.
For millions of ordinary people, it's increasingly difficult to build better lives through work. Persisting and substantial work-related inequalities and exclusion are preventing them from finding decent work and better futures. That's an extremely serious finding that has profound and worrying implications for social cohesion.
The mismatch between labour supply and demand extends beyond unemployment into broader labour underutilization. In addition to the global number of unemployed (180million), 165 million people don't have enough paid work and 120 million have either given up actively searching for work or otherwise lack access to the labour market. In total, more than 470 million people worldwide are affected.
At the global level, income inequality is higher than previously thought, especially in developing countries. Worldwide, the share of national income going to labour (rather than to other factors of production) declined substantially between 2004 and 2017, from 54 percent to 51 percent. With this economically significant fall being most pronounced in Europe, Central Asia and the Americas.
Moderate or extreme working poverty is excepted to edge up in 2020-21 in developing countries, increasing the obstacles to achieving Sustainable Development Goal I on eradicating poverty everywhere by 2030. Currently working poverty (defined as earning less than us$3.20 per day in purchasing power parity terms) affects more than 630 million workers, or one in five of the global working population.
Other significant inequalities-—defined by gender, age, and geographic location—remain stubborn features of current labour markets, limiting both individual opportunities and general economic growth. In particular, a staggering 267 million young people caged 15-247 are not in employment, education, or training situation, and many more endure substandard working conditions.
The report cautions that intensifying trade restrictions and protectionism could have a significant impact on employment, both directly and indirectly.
Looking at economic growth, the current pace and form of growth is hampering efforts to reduce poverty and improve working conditions in low-income countries.It is recommended that the type of growth needs to shift to encourage higher-value added activities, through structural transformation, technological upgrading and diversification.
Labour underutilization and poor-quality jobs mean our economies and societies are missing out on the potential benefits of a huge pool of human talent. We will only find a sustainable inclusive path of development if we tackle these kinds of labour market inequalities and gaps in access to decent work.
A metaphor is a poetic device that deals with comparison. It compares similar qualities of two dissimilar objects. With a simple metaphor, one object becomes the other: Love is a rose. Although this does not sound like a particularly rich image, a metaphor can communicate so much about a particular image that poets use them more than any other type of figurative language. The reason for this is that poets compose their poetry to express what they are experiencing emotionally at that moment. Consequently, what the poet imagines love to be may or may not be our understanding of love. Therefore, the poet's job is to enable us to experience it, to feel it the same way as the poet does. We should be able to nod in agreement and say, "Yes, that's it! I understand precisely where this person is coming from."
Let's analyze this remarkably simple metaphor concerning love and the rose to see what it offers. Because the poet uses a comparison with a rose, first we must examine the characteristics of that flower. A rose is impressive in its beauty, its petals are nicely soft, and its smell is pleasing. It's possible to say that a rose is actually a feast to the senses of sight, touch, and smell. The rose's appearance seems to border on perfection, each petal seemingly equal in form. Isn't this the way one's love should be? A loved one should be a delight to one's senses and seem perfect.
However, there is another dimension added to the comparison by using a rose. Roses have thorns. The poet wants to convey the idea that roses can be tricky. So can love, the metaphor tells us. When one reaches out with absolute trust to touch the object of his or her affection, ouch, a thorn can cause great harm! "Be careful,"the metaphor warns, "Love is a feast to the senses, but it can overwhelm us, and it can also hurt us and cause acute suffering." This is the poet's understanding of love—an admonition. What is the point? Just this: It took almost 14 sentences to clarify what a simple metaphor communicates in only four words! That is the artistry and the joy of the simple metaphor.
據(jù)國家藥品監(jiān)督管理局信息,首批國產(chǎn)肺炎球菌13化合價結(jié)合疫苗(Pneumococcal 13-Valent Conjugate Vaccine)已準入市場,肺炎球菌病是5歲以下兒童疾病和死亡的主要原因。此款疫苗為中國自主研發(fā)生產(chǎn)之首例,位居世界第二。其問世將打破輝瑞在市場上的壟斷地位。
該公司的13化合價肺炎球菌疫苗已在中國獲準用于6周至5個月大的嬰兒,超過6個月的嬰兒不能接種疫苗。而獲準的國產(chǎn)肺炎球菌13化合價結(jié)合疫苗卻可用于更廣的年齡范 圍:6周到5歲的兒童。
對民族團結(jié)和社會安定造成了嚴重影響,它已成為制約中國中西地區(qū),特別是西北地區(qū) 經(jīng)濟、社會發(fā)展的重要因素。
在中國,土地荒漠化的后果是:加劇人地矛盾,縮小人類生存空間。中國每年新増人口 約1400萬,沙化土地年均増加3436平方公里,耕地面積逐年減少。人地矛盾日益突出,大 約2.4萬村莊、鄉(xiāng)鎮(zhèn)遭受風沙危害。
—些村莊、縣城被迫多次搬遷。其次,加劇自然災害的頻率和程度,惡化生態(tài)環(huán)境,破 壞人類生存條件。土地荒漠化是導致中國近期沙塵暴頻發(fā),荒漠化地區(qū)生物多樣性驟減、 風蝕及黃河中下游旱澇災害頻繁的主要原因之一?;哪貐^(qū)的植被急劇減少,許多物種瀕危或趨于滅絕。中國每年輸入黃河的16億噸泥沙中就有12億噸來自沙漠化地區(qū)。
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