Jan.3rd. 1777, during the Revolutionary War, General George Washington's army routs the British in the Battle of Princeton, New Jersey. That follows Washington and his troops crossing the Delaware River and beating the Hessian nearby Trenton.

1990, Panama’s ousted leader General Manuel Noriega surrenders to US forces after taking refuge at the Vatican's diplomatic mission. He’s later convicted and sentenced to prison in the US for cocaine trafficking, racketeering and money laundering.

1967, Jack Ruby, the nightclub owner who fatally shot Lee Harvey Oswald just days after President John F. Kennedy assassination, dies in a Dallas hospital.

And 1892, take note, "Lord of the Rings" fans. Author J.R.R. Tolkein, creator of the trilogy that found its way to the big screen, is born in South Africa.

Today in history, Jan 3rd, Camille Bohannon, the Associated Press.

