
健身中心 fitness center

健身俱樂部:health club

健身教練 trainer

運動鞋 sneaker

置物柜 locker

入會費 membership fee


Ten common exercises

jumping jacks 開合跳

Burpee 波比跳

High knees running in place 原地提膝踏步

push-ups 伏地挺身

crunches 卷腹

squats 深蹲

triceps dips 三頭肌撐體

plank 棒式撐體

lunges 弓箭步

bridge 橋式


Fitness program

背 / back

杠鈴俯立劃船:Barbell bent-over row

t杠劃船:T-bar rows

單手啞鈴劃船:One-arm dumbbell row

寬握胸前下拉:Wide grip pull down to the chest

窄握胸前下拉:Narrow grip pull down

坐姿拉力器劃船:Seated cable row

胸前引體向上:Chin-ups to the front

勁后引體向上:Chin-ups behind the neck

窄握引體向上:Narrow grip chin-ups

屈膝硬拉:Bend-knee dead lift

俯身彎起:Good morning


坐姿轉(zhuǎn)體:Broomstick twist

站立體側(cè)屈:Standing side bend

啞鈴體側(cè)舉:Barbell side bend

胸/ chest

杠鈴平臥推舉:Barbell flat bench press

上斜杠鈴臥推:Incline barbell bench press

下斜杠鈴臥推:Decline barbell bench press

啞鈴仰臥推舉:Dumbbell bench press

上斜啞鈴臥推:Incline dumbbell bench press

下斜啞鈴臥推:Decline dumbbell bench press

俯臥撐:Push ups

仰臥飛鳥:Dumbbell fly

上斜啞鈴飛鳥:Incline dumbbell fly

下斜啞鈴飛鳥:Decline dumbbell fly

仰臥拉力器飛鳥:Cable fly

肱二頭/ biceps

站立杠鈴彎舉:Standing barbell curls

交替啞鈴彎舉:Alternate dumbbell curls

俯坐彎舉:Concentration curls

杠鈴啞鈴的斜托彎舉:Barbell dumbbell incline curl

肱三頭 / Triceps

仰臥臂屈伸:Lying triceps Extension

窄握杠鈴臥推:Narrow grip barbell press

杠鈴頭后臂屈伸:Barbell triceps Extension

單手頸后臂屈伸:One-arm dumbbell triceps Extension

雙手啞鈴頸后臂屈伸:Two-arm overhand dumbbell Extension

俯立臂屈伸:Dumbbell kickback

凳上反屈伸:Reverse bench dips

拉力器下壓:Triceps cable press down

單手反握拉力器下推:One-arm reverse press down

俯立拉力器臂屈伸:Cable kickback

兩手繩策臂屈伸:Two-arm rope Extension

肩 / Shoulders

肩上推舉:Shoulder press

靜后推舉:Behind the neck press

立正劃船:Upright rows

啞鈴肩上推舉:Seated dumbbell shoulder press

啞鈴前平舉:Front dumbbell raises

站立側(cè)平舉:Side lateral

俯坐側(cè)平舉:Seated bent-over lateral raises

俯立側(cè)平舉:Bent-over dumbbell lateral

杠鈴聳肩:Barbell shrug

啞鈴聳肩:Dumbbell shrug

拉力器聳肩:Cable shrug

杠鈴?fù)髲澟e:Wrist curl with barbell

啞鈴?fù)髲澟e:Wrist curl with dumbbell

背后腕彎舉:Behind back wrist curl

杠鈴反握彎舉:Barbell reverse curl

小腿 / Calf

架上舉踵:Machine calf raise

杠鈴負重舉踵:Barbell calf raise

站立單腿舉踵:Standing one-leg calf raise with dumbbell

俯立舉踵:Bent-over calf raise (with weight)

坐姿舉踵:Seated calf raise

腹部 / abs



上斜坐好屈體:Incline sit-up

仰臥負重彎起:Pull-over crunch

拉力器屈體收腹:Cable crunch

跪膝拉力器壓縮:Rope crunch

仰臥屈膝收腹:Reverse crunch

斜扳仰臥屈膝收腹:Incline reverse crunch

坐姿屈膝收腹:Scissor crunch

雙杠支撐腿上舉:Parallel bar leg raise(knee ups)

懸垂屈膝腿上舉:Hanging leg raise
