Unit 6 Anger Management 憤怒管理
I thought I was a calm and
collected person until one day at the office when my anger
got the best of me. I was in a meeting and I felt like I wasn’t being listened to. I felt that my ideas were being
put down and people were
interrupting me. I couldn’t
take it and I
shouted, “Listen to me!”
?My sudden outburst made the room go very quiet and I felt embarrassed. I definitely didn’t handle my emotions very well! Not long after the incident, a colleague of mine came to my rescue . She took me for lunch and gave me a book to read.
It was a book about
recognizing your
feelings so you can understand them and not let them control you. It gave me
lessons to follow and some great
advice . I feel I
have come a long way. The other day my
supervisor pulled me into her office and told me she recognized an
improvement in my
attitude. It felt great to hear this and gave me the
encouragement I needed to
continue working on myself.
【美】 Meredith Walker 著?? 陳怡芬 譯