2011-03-24 09:49
As if teenagers and young adults needed another excuse to spend more time using their electronic gadgets. Four out of five women and three out of five men believe texting, Facebook and other social networking tools cause new couples to jump into bed faster, a survey claims. Thirty-eight per cent of women say they have actually slept with a date sooner because of so-called 'digital intimacy'.
Use of social media via smart phones and laptops are the new toys that lead to the bedroom, the researchers claim. Clinical psychologist Dr Belisa Vranich said: 'The texting and all the social networking that's happening create anticipation.'If your goal is to have sex, texting is actually helpful for that because it makes the correspondence between people sort of more titillating. 'It also gives the false impression that you've actually been together for a longer amount of time, so it's actually OK to have sex quicker.
研究員稱,通過智能手機和電腦進行網(wǎng)絡(luò)社交如今大受歡迎,有心理學(xué)家Dr Belisa Vranich 說:“泛濫使用的社交網(wǎng)絡(luò)通常會給‘剛認識’情侶一種暗示,那就是我們已經(jīng)認識那么長時間了,發(fā)生親密關(guān)系也是再正常不過的事情。因為通過虛擬社交認識的男女往往覺得在網(wǎng)上的互動可以和現(xiàn)實中的互動相提并論,雖然還沒見過彼此真實面容,但是一直通過互聯(lián)網(wǎng)傳情、聯(lián)系感情。他們一旦見面必定是‘干柴烈火’?!?/div>
Even before consummating a relationship, 70 per cent of women and 63 per cent of men use Google and other online tools to screen potential dates. Sixty-five per cent of those polled said they had been asked out by text and 49 per cent through a Facebook message, according to the 1,200 women and men who took part in the survey by Shape and Men's Fitness magazines.
背景審查制度是否有助于減少槍支引起的犯罪? (有聲)
音頻在線播放: >>點擊下載音頻 美國市場上的80萬支甲型H1N1流感疫苗12月15日被宣布召回,原因是其藥效發(fā)生了弱化。 美國疾病控制與預(yù)防中心表示,...