我們都知道“智能手機”的英文名叫做smart phone:字面意思“聰明的手機”,那么它的反義詞是啥呢?誒,應該是“傻瓜手機”吧?idiot phone?

其實smart phone的反義詞是:Feature phone,字面意思“功能手機”,乍一看是不是覺得feature phone就是那種很多功能的手機?那不應該也是蠻“智能”的嘛? 請看wikipedia上的解釋:

Feature phone is a term used to describe a low-end mobile phone that has less computing ability than a smartphone.
feature phone指的是那種計算能力比不上smart phone的低端手機。

The term was originally used to describe mobile phones that had features that weren't available on most other contemporary mobile phones, and smartphone and feature phone were not mutually exclusive categories. As mobile phone technology advanced, newer low-end phones were categorized as feature phones.
這個詞一開始指的是具有其他手機不具備的功能的新型手機,不過,時代變了,現(xiàn)如今被智能手機拋在身后的普通手機,也被歸入feature phone的行列。

三十年河東三十年河西啊~feature phone表示,你才低端,你全家都低端……記住啦,下次聽到feature phone這個說法,別以為真的很高級喲,盡管,人家曾經(jīng),也是,很高級的……