【讓我們一起越獄吧】117 孤注一擲
2007-03-04 09:49
內(nèi)容提要:Michael裝瘋賣傻混入了精神病犯人區(qū),他試圖讓曾經(jīng)的室友Haywire幫他補全因燙傷而失去的背部紋身...... 這個瘋子到底能不能想起來呢?
參與方式:看Prison Break片段,將下面的空格部分補充完整。
Haywire: You should be careful when you tell people to remember things, Michael. Because I remember everything now. I remember how you set me up! How you smashed your own head and had me sent back here. I also... remember this. The pathway, your map, your escape.
Haywire:??????????? 2?????????? , I'll kill you.