Holiday Eating--Food for Thought


Holiday seasons are usually filled with joy, laughter, and people enjoying each other's company. Another thing holiday seasons are known for, however, is eating.? Every year, many Americans make resolutions on New Year's Eve to join a gym and lose weight-especially the weight they gained during the Christmas season just before.


A study done in the United States confirmed that people gain weight during the holiday season more than at other times of the year. However, they do not gain as much as they think. The study measured people's weight during the American holiday season, which lasts from the week of Thanksgiving to New Year's.?The study showed an average weight gain of .37 kilograms, much lower than the predicted amount of 2.3 kilograms.


Some studies say many adults gain weight during the holiday season because they like to eat tasty foods, and they are more likely to do so during the holidays. Nevertheless, there is no reason to let your holiday joy turn into your New Year's regret.


When faced with a threat, our common responses are to fight, or take flight. However, when we are faced with an overwhelming variety of food, our response seems to be to eat all we can.


Experts say that when people are faced with an all-you- can-eat buffet, they eat more because they think they are getting more for their money.?They often forget they are paying the same amount whether they eat just what they need, or everything they want. In fact, behavior like this puts people on the same level as laboratory mice.?When mice are faced with many different foods to choose from, they too cannot help but overeat.


What can you do to control yourself, especially during the holiday season?? First, when you are looking over a table filled with food, choose just what you need to make a balanced meal.? Also, take your time when making your choices. This is better than immediately grabbing everything that catches your eye.
