For a show that thrives on showcasing the dark sides of their characters (Klaus be crazy), seeing the three stars looking so angelic is a bit of a change for us.

Not that we're complaining, because Ian Somerhalder, Nina Dobrev, and Paul Wesley look absolutely gorgeous in our exclusive first look at this Vampire Diaries season three promo shot. But the light clothes and sunshine-filled room is the opposite of the TVD atmosphere were used to, no? Perhaps season three will be more about happiness and high school fun and less about hearts being ripped out (physically and emotionally).
Ian Somerhalder、Nina Dobrev和Paul Wesley在這張《吸血鬼日記》首張劇照里看起來相當美。淡色的衣服加上從窗口灑入的陽光,這似乎不是《吸血鬼日記》的一貫風格吧?或許《吸血鬼日記》第三季會多說些令人高興的事、美妙的高中生活,少說些讓人心痛的劇情呢。
