2011-09-27 10:00
Here is our last act tonight. It's not often act features are amazing dancers and software engineer. But this one does. It's Team iLuminate.
I think it's the most exciting audition I've ever seen in the show.We are so excited to be in Hollywood. We've been rehearsing day and night.? We love it. The iLuminate technology is something we dancers connect lights and I'm able to wirelessly control those lights.
?I always dreamed to be a professional dancer but then I was diagnosed of cancer. Through physical therapy, I was able to dance again but never at the level that I could before I got sick.I honestly don't think that if I didn't survive it, that I would have created this technology.
They have so many different components, from the choreography to the suits that have to light up. To the technology, and if anyone of them go down, their act is ruined.
There's a lot of challenges in this performance. We have people flipping in the darkness.We havepeople turning in the darkness.Cross my fingers and hope for the best.This is our dream and we cannot afford to make any mistakes tonight.From Los Angeles California,? give it up for Team iLuminate!