1 你的寵物越來越胖

Well, pets are getting just as chubalicious(chubby and delicious) as their owners now too. It's actually gotten to the point where the average pet owner sees an overweight animal as "normal." We're so used to seeing super-sized bundles of fur running around. Forty percent of owners with obese cats, not just overweight but obese, think their cats are at a healthy weight.


2 你的朋友越來越胖

Are you concerned you might be the Fat Albert in your gang? Don't worry, you won't be for long; you'll make them fat right along with you eventually. According to a recent decades long study, behaviors both good and bad are actually contagious. If you and your friends decide to give up smoking at the same time, you are all more likely to quit. And if you start gaining weight with friends, you are all more likely to end up hilariously overweight sooner.

3 你可以接受明星發(fā)福

You've made Russell Crowe fat. And John Travolta. And Denzel Washington. Three men who were once sex symbols are now nothing more than chubby leading men and it's because we decided it was OK.

4 神在你的眼里吃得都比較多了

Earlier this year, a study of 52 images of the Last Supper was published in the International Journal of Obesity. The authors of the study wanted to find out if lifestyle changes in the general population affected the amount of food served in paintings of the Last Supper. It turns out that over the course of 1000 years, the size of the meal served increased by 70 percent.
