1. You purchased your ticket using price as your sole criteria.

Even though you don’t buy a job, money’s definitely a major criterion when choosing a career. If money’s the only thing keeping you there, that’s a very strong sign you’re on the wrong bus. You wouldn’t take a bus to Toledo when you want a trip to Vegas because a Toledo ticket was half the cost. Why would you settle for work that sucks the life out of you, even for higher pay, when you deeply desire to be inspired and energized?



2. You hopped the first bus out of town.

Did you take your current job because it was the first thing to come along? Maybe your circumstances didn’t allow you to be choosey, but yesterday doesn’t always dictate today. Start taking steps right now to get your own set of wheels.



3. You took this bus because everyone else was taking it.

Your friends were doing it, your father or mother did it, or maybe your family has been doing it for generations. But you’re all grown up now and life is not a game of Follow the Leader. Start exploring other destinations, find out where you want to go, and look for the first safe exit. If your parents jumped in a lake...?



4. You just can’t wait until the stupid thing stops.

Constantly checking your watch is perhaps the number one sign you’re on the wrong bus. In all my travels (all the jobs I’ve ever held), once I got beyond the learning phase, once I’d mastered the ins and outs of the job, I was bored – painfully bored, and I watched the clock like a time keeper at a sporting event. But when I’m taking the steps to build my own vision rooted in things I truly love and serving the kind of people I love, I only check my watch to make sure I haven’t missed an entire day. And that’s a clear sign you’ve taken the wheel and started driving your own dreams.

