來源:mail online
2011-10-20 09:43
Was Van Gogh shot dead by a teenager in an accident? Artist's suicide is “a myth”, says art historians.
The Vincent van Gogh story is that the poverty-stricken and unappreciated artist took his own life with a shot to the chest.
But, more than a century on, two American writers have cast doubt on his suicide and instead claim he was shot dead by a teenager.
Steven Naifeh and Gregory White Smith claim that Van Gogh was fatally wounded by a friend’s teenage brother who enjoyed teasing and provoking the mentally ill artist.
美國作家Steven Naifeh和Gregory White Smith認為梵高是被朋友家的弟弟槍擊造成致命傷的。這個年輕人喜歡取笑和激怒患有精神疾病的畫家。
They also outline another theory, that Van Gogh was shot by two local boys who were playing with a malfunctioning pistol.
Naifeh and Smith, who won a Pulitzer Prize for their biography of U.S. artist Jackson Pollock, spent ten years researching their book, which will be released in Britain tomorrow.
Naifeh 和Smith因合著美國畫家杰克遜·波洛克傳記而榮獲普林策獎。他們花了十年的時間研究他們的新書,該書將于明天(10.17)在英國出版上市。
In Van Gogh: The Life, they claim that the Dutch impressionist "knew nothing about guns" and that "no gun was ever found" at the scene or anywhere else.
They conclude that Van Gogh had a "history of violent outbursts" and suggest a disagreement of some kind may have been his undoing.
According to the official version of his death, Van Gogh was only 37 when he went into a field in the French town of Auvers-sur-Oise on the evening of July 27, 1890, and shot himself in the chest with a revolver.
But in their account, Naifeh and Smith claim that there is strong evidence against this, as Van Gogh left no suicide note and the bullet which killed him entered his body "from an unusual, oblique angle – not straight on as one would expect in a suicide".
The writers, who were granted access to thousands of family letters and had the co-operation of the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam, have concluded that a row with a neighbour’s son was the real reason why he was shot, and that as he welcomed his own death he saw no reason to blame anybody else.
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