KFC Vows to Cooperate with Government as Probe Continues

Fast-food giant KFC has said it will fully cooperate with Chinese authorities to resolve allegations that the company underpays its part-time workers.

The announcement came as investigations in to workers pay expands across the country.

Su Jingshi, president of the greater China operations of Yum! Brands Inc., which operates KFC and Pizza Hut, made the announcement at a press conference in Beijing.

"Our position is that the general public should wait for the government's decision with a calm and objective attitude. After the investigation is finished and a decision is made, KFC will fully follow instructions and do what the government requires the company to do in compliance with labor laws."

Labor bureaus in the southern province of Guangdong began investigations after media reports calimed McDonald's, KFC and Pizza Hut paid part-time workers less than the local minimum wage of about 1 US dollar an hour.

Both McDonald's and KFC said they were seeking clarification of the labor laws, while the All China Federation of Trade Unions announced the probe into underpayment had expanded to other cities and provinces.







