短文To be or not to be Outside the Bible, these six words are the most famous in all the literature of the world. They were spoken by Hamlet when he was thinking aloud, and they are the most f...
恐怖主義:參議員呼吁警惕本土恐怖主義The anger is apparent at both ends of the political spectrum — from militias on the right, to anti-globalization demonstrators on the left. It has been mostly...
晨讀美文The early snows fall soft and white and seem to heal the landscape. There are as yet no tracks through the drifts, no muddied slush in the roads. The wind sweeps snow into the scars of ou...
晨讀美文The pharmacist handed me my prescription, apologized for the wait, and explained that his register had already closed. He asked if I would mind using the register at the front of the stor...