哥倫比亞猛犸與今天的大象有著親緣關系。他們在一萬年以前的大冰河時代結束之時就已滅絕。美國近日發(fā)現(xiàn)猛犸象化石。La Brea Tar Pits,Harris,dire wolve,saber-tooth cat,ground sloth
The La Brea Tar Pits are asphalt deposits that contain the preserved remains of ancient animal and plant life, and they have shed light on life in the Ice Age since excavations started in 1913. This is the biggest find since then. The newly discovered fossils are collectively called Project 23, afte…
拉布瑞亞焦油坑是一片瀝青焦油地,其中含有被保存下來的古代動植物遺骸。自從1913年對這片焦油地挖 掘以來,古代動植物遺骸的發(fā)現(xiàn)使冰河世紀時期的生命形態(tài)逐漸清晰起來。最新挖掘的化石在挖掘者把古化石、泥土和焦油裝入23個大集裝箱之后,被集體命名為 “23項目”,以備日后的分析之需??茖W家們至今已識別出了700多個樣本…