Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR, is help for a stopped heart. It increases the chances of survival and reduces the danger of brain damage. With traditional CPR, you push hard on the chest thirty times, then stop to give two breaths to force air into the lungs. You repeat t…
心肺復蘇術(CRP)有益于驟停的心臟。它增加了患者生還的機會并且降低了大腦損傷的危險。傳統(tǒng)的CRP過程是,用力按壓胸部30次。然后,停止按壓,人工呼吸2次以使氣體進入肺內(nèi)。重復以上步驟直到患者獲得醫(yī)療救助為止。 但是,人們可能會擔心因向陌生人嘴里吹氣而患病。而且,這些訓練很容易忘記,尤其是在危機情況時。并且,…