Recently the business world lost a leader in quality control. Joseph Juran died at the age of one hundred and three. He developed ideas that are still important today to improving the quality of products. Joseph Juran was born in Braila, Romania. His family came to the United States in nineteen tw…
近日,商界一位質(zhì)量管理領袖約瑟夫·朱蘭逝世,享年103歲。他建立的理論至今仍然是改進產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量的重要理論。 約瑟夫·朱蘭生于羅馬尼亞布勒伊拉。1912年,8歲的朱蘭隨家人一起來到美國。他們在明尼蘇達州明尼阿波利斯市定居。他在明尼蘇達大學學習電力工程。并且,獲得該校的象棋賽冠軍。大學畢業(yè)后,西方電氣公司安排他從事…