
Is this sign for Alzheimer's? Well, it isn't so serious. President cognitive problems in a 40-something are almost always the result of a treatable problem: depression, side effects of medicine, or drinking too much. For almost 40-year-olds, focusing on the task at hand can help make up for any lost edge. Steadiness and discipline, two blessings of maturity, also help in coping with the physiology of the 40s. Regular exercise can have psychological benefits, too, such as preventing depression. Right. Keeping themselves a mood and doing exercises certainly help. Then how about their family life? Well, they have a lot to cope with- probably more than their parents did at the same age. For many, the stresser are huge. Weekly work hours for women jumped from 18 in 1975 to 28 in 1995. Many husbands and wives simultaneously freak out about their careers. This leads to increase of divorce rate. Nearly one of seven 40-something in divorced, double the rate of 1975. They are also setting records fr remarriage and blended families. Add their own aging parents to the mix, today's 40-year-olds face the extreme-sports version of middle age.