

All: Er, well...hmmm.
Harry: Lots of stuff.
Johnny: Go on!
What's up? Why do you need to save the café?
Olivia: And my shop.
Harry: Well, did you see that building site just behind the café?
Johnny: Yes, I did actually. It looks like they're building something big, looks interesting.
Olivia: Hmmm.
Olivia: The problem being.
Tony: They want to knock down the café!
Olivia: And my shop.
Johnny: Oh no.
Sarah: But don't worry!
Johnny: Why not?
Harry: We got a campaign going – the banner in the window.
Sarah: We found they're historic buildings, so it's not legal to knock them down.
Johnny: Don't worry anyhow. I'm rich enough now! I could buy the café, and your shop Olivia!, then do what I want.
Harry: Seriously!?
Johnny: Er, well, no, actually, probably not. Just joking, you know.
Harry: Yeah, right.
At lunch today. I'm a caterer, Johnny, I make lunch for all the people who work on the building site next door.
Johnny: I see.
Olivia: Oh yeah?
Sarah: And?
Carlos: Well, I didn't listen to them, exactly.
Sarah: Of course not!
Carlos: No, but, I heard what they were saying.
Olivia: And what were they saying?
Carlos: They were saying.
Tony: Oi! Johnny! Are you going to buy something?
I run a business here, you know.
Johnny: Oh sorry, Tony – yeah, could I have a coffee please?
Tony: That all?
Olivia: Tony! Please. Carlos is going to tell us something really important.
Tony: What?
Olivia: That's what we're going to find out. Carlos, go on!
Carlos: The managers, they were saying, that they know these buildings – the café, and your shop – they know they're historic buildings, and they know they can't knock them down.
Magda: Yes, that's what I found out. I told Bindyu. She put it in the paper.
Carlos: Yes, they've read the newspaper, they said.
Olivia: So?
Magda: So?
Harry: So?
Tony: So?
Carlos: So, they're not going to knock them down! The campaign was a success! You've won!

I saw that banner in the window. Yeah, luxury flats. And I wrote an article in the local paper! But I will be rich enough in a couple of years. Listen guys, that was what I came to talk to you about. Well, there were two of the top managers there. If you want to have a party go back to your house! They know there's nothing they can do.