Great Scott!
Webb Garrison
校稿 Season111
翻譯 小章丶Cat
組長 lisa1128
Every language has its ways of expressing strong emotions -- surprise, shock, anger. The expressions range from mild to strong, from exclamations and oaths, to curses and swear words. The ones that are accepted in public speech change through the years as social rules change. At times, only …
每種語言對于訝異、震驚、憤怒等強烈的情緒都有其獨有的表達方式。 這些表達方式有輕有重,有感嘆和起誓,也有詛咒和褻瀆。社會法規(guī)因時而變,那些為公眾所接受的表達也隨之改變。 有時候,只有比較委婉的表達才能被大眾接受。 有些常用的表達是在確保不會冒犯到別人的前提下流傳起來的。多數(shù)表達則是從很久以…