
Paul Richards: Can we control nuclear weapon technology or not? If it gets out into 20, 40, 50, 100 countries, I would think that these weapons will eventually be used.

You are listening to seismologist Paul Richards. [---1---]

Paul Richards: The science in these cases is ready to support a major arms control objective, putting into effect of a Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. [---2---]

President Obama in the U.S. has pledged support for a treaty that bans any nuclear explosion, even for military testing. [---3---]

Richards disagrees, and told EarthSky that scientists can now detect any nuclear test of military significance, no matter how secret.

Paul Richards: [---4---] And over the decades we're been monitoring, there have been more than 2,000 of these things.

Scientists are using infrasound to measure atmospheric explosions, and hydroacoustics to monitor the oceans, among others.

He's speaking of the over 8,000 live nuclear weapons in the world today. It's ready to go. The treaty has been criticized because nuclear test blasts might be concealed. A nuclear explosion, whether it's in the atmosphere or in space, or underwater, or underground, puts out strong signals.