We recently visited the Austin Children's Museum in Texas to record your science questions. This one is from Jeana Lungwitz.
Jeana Lungwitz: [---1---]
JB: Jeana, first imagine a tea kettle. If you boil tap water to make tea, some of it evaporates. [---2---]
DB: That crust is there because when tap water evaporates it leaves behind any dissolved salts and minerals. Now take this scenario to the ocean. Most water on Earth evaporates from the surface of the ocean. There it leaves behind dissolved salts. [---3---]
JB: The freshwater that falls onto land cascades over surfaces like rocks and sediments. Here it picks up nutrients, chemicals, and salts. [---4---] If you run this water cycle over and over again, through four and a half billion years, you eventually leave a lot of salt in the ocean.
DB: [---5---] Thanks for your question Jeana. And with thanks to the National Science Foundation, we're Block and Byrd for Earth and Sky.
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