

the Damrak 水壩大道
Anne Frank museum 安妮 弗蘭克博物館(安妮日記的作者)
Nazi 納粹
Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹
marijuana 大麻
graffiti 涂鴉
Yes, the Damrak is an interesting place. I spent quite a lot of time there. I also visited the Anne Frank museum, which was chilling because there were so many photos of Nazi soldiers killing Jews. The strangest thing about Amsterdam is the legal drugs. I can't believe that marijuana can be legal anywhere, but it seems that everyone smokes it there. The coffee shops sell marijuana cigarettes with coffee, when they asked me if I wanted my coffee "with or without", I thought they meant sugar, not drugs! The only unfortunate thing about Amsterdam is that it's full of graffiti, I saw lots. Not good graffiti, mindless writing. Graffiti can be art if it's done well, but I know what you mean. I saw some too, even on old beautiful buildings. It was a shame, really. I plan to go again as soon as I can. I think it's perhaps the best city in the world.