

sage 鼠尾草
Moscow Special 莫斯科特產
Stolichnaya 紅牌伏特加
What's this flavour? Bird cherry and sage? I don't think you can buy that one nowadays. I wonder which rich landowner decided on that flavour. Look at this, before 1885 vodka was sold only in buckets measuring 12.3 litres. Who could drink that much vodka? Don't worry. Here we can just buy it in a shot, a single measure of about 25 millilitres. That sounds better. In 1953 the Moscow Special was awarded a gold medal at an international exhibition in Switzerland. That's the one they have here, now we call it Stolichnaya. So, Linda which flavour are you going to try? They've got various fruits, like strawberry, peach, pear and this one. Chili flavour! That sounds a bit hot for me! I think I'll start with the chocolate after all, then I might try another one.