
Albert Carnesale: There are very few people left who do not accept as fact that the Earth is warming, and that man is contributing to that trend.

You're listening to Dr. Albert Carnesale of UCLA. He's an expert on international affairs and security – and chairman of a U.S. National Academy of Sciences committee on America's Climate Choices. The committee has launched studies – requested by our Congress – to inform U.S. climate policy.

Albert Carnesale: [---1---]

97% of active U.S. climate scientists – responding to a 2008 survey –agree humans play a role in causing global warming. [---2---]

Albert Carnesale: Well, for example, should we have a price on carbon that's emitted in to the atmosphere, carbon dioxide? [---3---] [---4---]

We are E&S, a clear voice for science.

It's different in the sense we were asked specifically, what should we be doing – what should be America's response to climate change. Dr. Carnesale said, even in a tough economy like we've seen in 2009, limiting carbon emissions might lead to economic opportunities. If the answer to that is yes, whether it's a tax or a cap and trade program that will open opportunities for alternative energy. That's new kinds of jobs, new kinds of research and development.