
Richard Feely: We have to have drastic CO2 emission reductions on the order of 80% by 2050 if we are to avoid serious impacts on our ocean ecosystems.

You're listening to Richard Feely, of the Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory in Seattle. [---1---] This could pose a threat to ocean life.

Richard Feely: Particularly our shellfish – lobster, and crab, and clams, and oysters – and even the basis of the food chain – the plants and green zooplankton that are food for our fish produce calcium carbonate skeletons and shells.


Richard Feely: [---3---] And so, we're concerned that many of our fisheries resources would be impacted.


Richard Feely: [---5---] We need to do that within the next couple of decades.

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He said Earth's oceans are absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, making the oceans more acidic. Feely said that acidity is weakening these shells and skeletons, and could eventually prevent some marine creatures from growing them at all. Throughout the world our fishery's resources represent about 20% of the protein resources for about a third of the population of the world. Feely emphasized that global consequences of ocean acidification. These problems are serious, but they can be avoided as long as we make a concerted effort to reduce CO2 emissions.