
"Although I'm an enormous fan of nanotechnology, I would say that it is only one component, from many areas of science that are helping us to understand what it is to be alive, what it is to think, how we interact with the planet, how the planet interacts with us."

You're listening to George Whitesides of Harvard and this is EarthSky, a clear voice for science. [---1---] He spoke with EarthSky’s Jorge Salazar about the impact of nanotechnology on agriculture, medical diagnostics, sustainability, and more.

Got your website molecules sky, a clear voice for science.

Would you speak to how nanotech can improve a lot of farmers and people who depend on them.


Whitesides is a chemist and a leading expert in nanotechnology — the manipulation of matter at the scale of atoms and molecules. Much biology depends upon being able to manipulate cells because cells, biological cells are the fundamental objects of which life is built, and of course, plants are a large collections of cells, so if you would like to manipulate plants and approach to manipulating plants as as to manipulate the genetic material that describes them to themselves and also manipulate their cells.