
Today is the world running out of oil.

Willem Schulte: The world is not running out of oil, at the moment.

That's Dr. Willem Schulte, Chief Scientist for Reservoir Engineering for Shell. [---1---]

Willem Schulte: For the medium term, we have enough hydrocarbons to supply to the world. In the past, we have produced 1 trillion barrels of liquid oil. There are still about 2 trillion barrels, or twice as much, to be gained from those same reservoirs. [---2---] (Hint: 3 to 4)

Getting to oil that once seemed unrecoverable is Schulte's job.

Willem Schulte: [---3---] In the last 30 years, we've already moved on by better technology making that number rise to 35%.


Willem Schulte: [---5---]

E&S is a clear voice for science.

He says that while there is a lot of oil and natural gas remaining, it's getting harder to recover. We probably can add 3 to 4 trillion of oil from unconventional, more complicated methodologies to recover oil, which we considered unrecoverable so far. If you look at the situation 30 years ago, oil recovery in an average oil field, we could get about 25% out of that oil field. He added that, in the end, oil is a finite resource. People should really also focus their attention to sustainable energy and other energy resources.