
Hi, this is Ozzie Jacobs with He. Let's talk about Yoga poses to burn fat and lose weight. In 2009, the American College of Sports Medicine, recommended that to lose weight. You participate in a 150 minutes of physical activity, that's 30 minutes a day, five days a week.

Rhythmic Yoga sequences will allow you to work the major muscle groups, that can help you burn fat and lose weight. Let's go through a quick rhythmic Yoga sequence, that can help you do just that. The pose is called Utkatasana, the chair pose, but we're using the block, we're going to move around a bit. So, start with the block in your hand and bring your feet into Tadasana. Stand with your feet, about hip width apart, for this version.

And stand, press your feet into the floor, like you're standing up tall. Take a block into your hands, I want you to firm the block with the palms, making your chest tight, your upper arms tight. On your inhale, bend your knees, put your weight in your heels, as if you're trying to sit in a small chair, behind you. Lift the belly button up, towards the chest and reach the block towards the ceiling.

As you're holding this pose, squeeze the block with the palm of your hands and then, lower the block as you stand. So, inhale, sit down, raise the block, exhale, squeeze the block, come back down. Let's do this two more times. Inhale and exhale, last one, inhale and exhale, but this time, we're going to do a hold. Inhale, hold, press your feet firmly into the floor, drive the weight into your heels. Pull the belly, pull the frontal hip bones up, draw the tail bone down. As you reach the palms towards the ceiling, and firm your hands into the block.

You should feel tension down the center of your body, as you do this. Take five breaths here, sit low into your hips, keeping your knees in line with your heels. And then, after your fifth breath, inhale, to stand, squeeze the block and bring the block back down to your hips. And that's a great Yoga pose, to help you lose weight and lose inches, thanks, this is Ozzie.