四級聽力天天練:第二十期 2-1(2/7)
2011-11-17 11:10
Charles Dickens
Hi, Michael. Do you have time for some questions about the mid-term test?
No problem.
Well, in my literature lesson, we're asked to prepare a ten minutes speech to present in front of the whole class, including the professor.
Is there any specific topic?
Yes, we're asked to concentrate on one figure in English literature. And I'm thinking about preparing my presentation on Charles Dickens. But what worries me most is that many other students will choose the same subject as well.
Don't worry whether others pick the same author, as long as you do a good job. The professor will judge all his students fairly.
I hope you're right.
Dickens is a productive writer, but it's better if you focus on some of the important works.
Yes. Do you know how to prepare a presentation?
I can't say I'm an expert, but I can give you some advice. First you have to select one topic.