

Asia Pacific
This is important, because over the last decade, we became a country that relied too much on what we bought and consumed. We racked up a lot of debt, but we didn't create many jobs at all. If we want an economy that's built to last and built to compete, we have to change that. We have to restore America's manufacturing might, which is what helped us build the largest middle-class in history. That's why we chose to pull the auto industry back from the brink, saving hundreds of thousands of jobs in the process. And that's why we're investing in the next generation of high-tech, American manufacturing. But building an economy that lasts isn't just about making things – it's about opening new markets for people to buy them. After all, 95% of the world's consumers live outside our borders. And as the fastest-growing region in the world, no market is more important to our economic future than the Asia Pacific region – a region where our exports already support 5,000,000 American jobs.