【TED】是一個會議的名稱,它是英文technology, entertainment, design三個單詞的首字母縮寫。TED是社會各界精英交流的盛會,它鼓勵各種創(chuàng)新思想的展示、碰撞。
David Pogue
David Pogue is the personal technology columnist for the New York Times and an Emmy Award-winning tech correspondent for CBS News. He's also one of the world's bestselling how-to authors.
Error Type
Software Upgrade Paradox
Well, if you like that one, how much time have we got? Another one, a guy called this is absolutely true! His computer had crashed, and he told the technician he couldn't restart it no matter how many times he typed 11. And the technician said, "What? Why are you typing 11?" He said, "The message says, 'Error Type 11.'" So we must admit that some of the blame falls squarely at the feet of the users. But why is the technical overload crisis,
the complexity crisis, accelerating now? In the hardware world, it's because we the consumers want everything to be smaller, smaller, smaller. So the gadgets are getting tinier and tinier but our fingers are essentially staying the same size. So it gets to be more and more of a challenge. Software is subject to another primal force: the mandate to release more and more versions. When you buy a piece of software, it's not like buying a vase or a candy bar, where you own it. It's more like joining a club where you pay dues every year. And every year, they say, "We've added more features and we'll sell it to you for $99." I know one guy who's spent $4,000 just on Photoshop over the years. And software companies make 35 percent of their revenue from just these software upgrades. I call it the Software Upgrade Paradox which is that if you improve a piece of software enough times, you eventually ruin it.
如果你們喜歡那個故事...還剩多少時間? 另一個男人的真實故事! 他的電腦宕機了 他告訴技術人員 他無法重啟電腦 不管他輸入多少次11 技術人員說 "啥? 您為啥要輸入11?" 他說, "提示里講, '錯誤輸入(類型)11.'" 因此我們必須承認我們無法指責用戶 但是為何技術超載危機
復雜度危機 正在加速呢? 在硬件行業(yè)中 因為我們消費者希望東西更小 更小 更小 因此那些小玩意兒也變得越來越小 但我們的手指還是原來大小 因此行業(yè)正不斷面臨挑戰(zhàn) 軟件行業(yè)則面臨另一個問題 強制發(fā)布越來越多的版本 如果你買了個花瓶 或是塊糖 你可以擁有它. 但如果是軟件 則更像是加入俱樂部 每年繳納會費 于是每年 他們都會說 "我們加入了更多功能, 只賣$99." 我認識有人多年來單在Photoshop上就花了$4000 軟件公司將它們收益的35% 用于這些軟件升級 我稱之為 軟件升級佯謬 -- 當你增強一個軟件足夠多次 你最終會毀了它