Hillary Rodham Clinton
Remarks to the U.N. 4th World Conference on Women Plenary Session
delivered 5 September 1995, Beijing, China


It is a violation of human rights when babies are denied food, or drowned, or suffocated, or their spines broken, simply because they are born girls. It is a violation of human rights when women and girls are sold into the slavery of prostitution for human greed, and the kinds of reasons that are used to justify this practice should no longer be tolerated. It is a violation of human rights when women are doused with gasoline, set on fire, and burned to death because their marriage dowries are deemed too small.
suffocate 受阻,受扼制;窒息 spine 脊柱,脊椎;刺; prostitution 賣淫;濫用;出賣靈魂 greed 貪婪,貪心 douse 浸泡,潑灑