Ron Weasley may have skirted along the poverty line during childhood, but his children are going to be quite comfortable with their inheritance.

Forbes Magazine, in conjunction with Hollywood money site Box Office Mojo, has compiled a list of the top-earning on-screen couples of the past half decade. Though they were in a love-hate relationship for much of the film series, Ron and Hermoine's fateful kiss and bliss-filled epilogue in the final Potter film put them at the top of the list.

The final four Potter films, released between 2007 and 2011, took in $4.2 billion worldwide, including a staggering $1.33 billion for this summer's finale. The series' massive success helped make Watson Hollywood's highest earning actress in 2009, as she took in $30 million in advance for the final two films.
分別在2007年到2011年上映的最后四部《哈利波特》電影,全球票房共收入了42億美元,包括最后一部的13.3億美元,這個數(shù)字實在是太驚人了。這部電影巨大的成功也讓赫敏的扮演者Emma Waston成為了2009年好萊塢收入最多的女演員。僅僅是開拍前的簽約費就有3千萬美元。

Coming in second on the list are another YA adaptation couple, Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. Their four "Twilight" films thus far have taken in $2.5 billion worldwide, and they have another to go this summer.

Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox came in third for their first two "Transformers" films, with $1.5 billion. Fox did not appear in the third film, which took in $1.2 billion worldwide.

Looking ahead, the three planned adaptations of "The Hunger Games" novels by Suzanne Collins -- yet another YA-based romance -- will look to crack this list over the next few years. Starring Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson, it's a dystopian book with a love story between two contestants in a barbaric battle to the death.
最后讓我們再來展望一下未來,不出意外,Suzanne Collins的小說《饑渴游戲》將會被改編拍成電影,另一部關(guān)于青春羅曼史的電影,將會在不就得將來沖上榜單。關(guān)注兩位主演Jennifer Lawrence和Josh Hutcherson,在這本反烏托邦式的小說里將會上演一場在生死掙扎中激發(fā)出的愛的盛典。