原文標題:Chinese college student wins top design award
官網日期:12-02-2011 11:29 BJT

Gong Huachao
Nanjing University of Science and Technology
Red Dot Design Awards
Number Keypad Film for Touchpad
Design Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen

校對: jushua

Gong Huachao, a junior from Nanjing University of Science and Technology won a top design award at the prestigious 2011 Red Dot Design Awards in Germany. His design was crowned the "best of the best". Let's take a look. This is the post-90s student Gong Huachao's design, Number Keypad Film for Touchpad. The design turns the laptop touchpad into a convenient number keypad. And it brought Gong "the best of the best" in the design concept category. "This design is simple and environment-friendly. It can change our life in some way, and also, it has good commercial prospects." Born in 1991, Gong Huachao has won several design awards since he was a freshman. Now, college students are mainly the post-90s generation, who are active and creative. Education experts said that they should be given more support and encouragement. "The post-90s generation are independent. They are accessible to various information and they have developed their own ideas. We should provide support for them." The Red Dot Design Awards are presented by the Design Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen in Essen, Germany. With over 4,000 entries from 40 countries, the annual Red Dot Design Awards ranks among the largest design competitions worldwide.
南京理工大學的大二學生,龔華超,在2011屆德國紅點設計獎項中贏得了頂級設計獎。他的設計被認為是“best of best”。讓我們來關注一下。 這就是90后學生龔華超的設計 ——“觸板數(shù)字貼膜”。這一設計將筆記本的觸摸屏變成了一個使用方便的數(shù)字小鍵盤。憑借這一設計作品,龔華超摘得國際紅點獎概念設計類至尊獎。 “這一設計非常簡單而且環(huán)保。在某種程度上改變了我們的生活,而且這一設計具有商業(yè)前景?!? 出生于1991年的龔華超自從大一開始就獲得了多項設計獎項?,F(xiàn)在的大學生絕大多數(shù)是積極有創(chuàng)造力的90后。教育專家說應該給予他們更多的支持與鼓勵。 “現(xiàn)在的年輕人獨立性強,信息量大,他們有很多自己獨特的想法。我們應該支持他們?!? 紅點獎是由位于德國埃森市的 Design Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen(歐洲最富聲望的著名設計協(xié)會)設立的。在40多個國家的4000多個點,一年一度的紅點獎的競爭被認為是最激烈的競賽之一。