
Positive Pychology(大寫)

1、quote and quote 這個不要寫出來,打雙引號就行了,類似"快樂基因"
2、I studied這個不用寫,直接寫I went就行
3、15 years today此處的today是口誤,童鞋們不需要寫出來呢~


You know I often say that I'm the right person to teach Positive Psychology. Why? Because I wasn't born with "happy genes". I was born with, genetically speaking, with relatively high levels of anxiety, inclination toward rumination, over examination, we'll talk about that later in the course. I went into the Positive Psychology, into the field of psychology, as I mentioned in the first lecture, because I was unhappy here. And over time, as a result of many of these studies, result of examination, result of asking also the right questions, I have become happier. So on a personal level, I know it's possible to become happier. Now I'm happier today than I was 15 years ago when I started it. I hope to be happier 15 years from today than I am today. It's a life long process. But it is possible, and many people show that it is possible. And those who argue that it's not possible and use science to argue for that very often are hurting more than helping the field.