David Salt: One of the things that people talk about is that the green revolution in the 60s really cannot provide enough calories for most of the world. [---2---]
That’s David Salt, he is a professor in Purdue’s Department of Horticulture.[---3---]
David Salt: [---4---]
David Salt: [---7-9---]
David Salt: Without a doubt.
That’s David Salt of Purdue and I’m Deborah Byrd from E&S, a clear voice for science.
Much of Earth's population today, approximately 3 billion people, depend on rice for food.
But what it didn't do, it didn't provide micronutrients, and so, iron and zinc, for example, are now being called the hidden hunger in the world.
He and his colleagues are working in a laboratory, looking for the genes that regulate micronutrients such as iron and zinc in rice.
If we could really understand how rice plants do that, and are able to manipulate the rice plants to put more of those essential micronutrients like iron and zinc into the grain, then we're going to impact a substantial amount of people worldwide who rely on rice as their primary food source.
Salt said that his research might also help scientists understand how rice grains absorb harmful chemicals, like arsenic.
But the ultimate goal is to create a rice plant that is packed more full of nutrients.
We would like definitely to create a rice plant that is packed full of nutrients.
Whether that comes about through genetic engineering or assisted traditional breeding, there are several different ways to go.
Could this work affect nutrition throughout the world?